Chapter 9 Don't blink....

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~small recap of what happened before~

" ARE WE HAVING FUN YET?" the voice from earlier spoke.he seemed to be enjoying this but I sure wasn't.

" no Im not!" i yelled back but he just laughed back at me.

" I THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE FUN A GAME OF CATCH THE SONIC SCREWDRIVER IM RATHER ENJOYING SEEING YOU AND THE OTHERS FAIL ATTEMPT AT TRYING TO GET IT" he let out a low chuckle as I stood there frozen which then a worried and angry expression grew on my face.

" where are they?" I questioned in a stern voice as I heard the

Little girl giggle as she stopped smack in the middle of the hallway not to far from me.

" the master does not give location of friends until you find me and catch the sonic" she spoke In a sweet and innocent voice as I heard him laugh.

" WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR...DON'T YOU HAVE A SONIC SCREWDRIVER TO GET" his voice echoed as the little girl went off into a run once more I let out a sigh hoping this wouldn't take to long but I was dead wrong.....


" okay you win" I said out of breath while the little girl kept on running and laughing with the sonic screwdriver in hand. I laid up against the wall and looked up at the ceiling with my eyes closed, but then when I opened them I was in complete darkness.

" hello" I spoke but no reply only my voice leaving as an echo." Great what else can go wrong" I laughed to myself as I thought of an idea.

" wait a minute if I closed my eyes and then opened them in complete darkness what if I closed then opened them again....great now I'm talking to myself" I sighed as I closed my eyes shut and counted to three.

" one.........two.............three" I opened my eyes to see a weeping angel inches from my face with teeth and claws stretched out in front of my face. I was to scared to even move or blink. So I stood there still as a well.....statue. Then I heard the little girls laughter once more as she stood there looking at me with a confused look then she smiled Evilly at me.

" don't blink" she spoke in a sweet innocent voice but it had a cold and evil tone to it. She still stood there as I stared at the weeping angel hoping I wouldn't blink but I would have to eventually. Then the lights started to flicker on and off.

" no no no please don't do this to me now" I spoke in a panicked voice as the little girl laughed. As she started to skip down the hallway with the sonic in hand.

" one,two there's no turning back for you, three, four you better stare some more,five,six better think of something quick, seven, eight, hopefully this isn't going to be your fate, nine ten, your never gonna blink again......" She singed as It echoed throughout the hallway. My eyes where starting to water as I knew I couldn't keep this up any longer I knew I had to come up with a plan but I just couldn't I was stuck with no way out....I have to come up with a plan and quick.......

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