Chapter 7 some contracts don't have loopholes

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I opened both my eyes my vision was a little blurry but I could see someone move around me frantically but then he stopped straight in front of me.I seen someone on the other side of him it was scarlet,she stood there motionless like she was made of stone.

" rise and shine who's ready to make a deal?" I heard the same sinister voice as I heard before I then started to panic but I then noticed I was strapped down to hands where tied so tight that I could barely feel them.i turned my head and seen alex,Emma,florence,and the doctor on the other side of me still knocked out on what looked like some sort of medical table but it stood straight up with their bodies strapped down on it.

" what the heck are you talking about!! Let me go!!" I screamed as the creature just laughed back at like I was crazy,well I was acting crazy but wouldn't you act crazy if you were tied up and had no clue where you where? Yeah I thought so.

" you don't remember?" he asked as I stopped at my fail attempt of trying to escape as my breathing became slower and slower.

" rember what? But what i want to know is why do you have my friend captive and second what did you do to her it's like she's been turned to stone?!" I questioned as scarlet still stood motionless.

" you promised me a deal and if you don't keep the promise you have made your little friend here will be like this is it a deal?" he asked as I just had a blank expression on my face unable to answer him. I looked back over to my friends then back to him and at Scarlets motionless face.

" what kind of deal are you talking about?" I asked as he seemed happy I asked it. He then pulled out to what seemed like a scroll and as he unrolled it I seen tiny writing on it and it was written in script and at the bottom was a line with an X the side of it so i assumed it was some sort of contract." you want me to sign some contract?" I questioned as he just smiled again which was starting to creep me out.

" you can say that yes but it's more like a give and trade " he explained as I looked at him with his hood over his head, unable to see his face not knowing what he looked like.

" okay so I just sign it and you will let us go?" he shook is head but I knew he was lying.

" I need more then just your signature" I looked at him confused as he whispered something to scarlet but I couldnt make out what he was saying. Then scarlet moved towards a table which layed a box it was painted gold and had strange symbols carved on all four sides,the latch covered the front of the box in the shape of a square, she then picked up small key and unlocked it.she brought it over to him as she placed it in his hands,he opened the box and on the inside was some sort of red velvet carpeted the bottom of the box and on all four sides. in the middle of the box was a small silver knife also carved with the strange symbols but they were more detailed.

" this certain contract requires more then just a signature" he grabbed the knife out of the box and held the scroll in his right hand and the knife in the other. He then grabbed my hand and cut the rope that wrapped around my wrist along with the other one which I then fell onto my feet. After I regained my balance he held the knife in his hand along with the contract in the other. He grabbed my hand and as he was about to make a slit on my right index finger scarlet then grabbed his hand but the knife slipped onto my finger and then I seen my blood drip onto the contract. She grabbed the knife out of his hand and stabbed him onto his side and kicked him straight to the floor.

"OH MY GOD SCARLET YOUR OKAY AND OWW!!!" I yelled as i bring my bleeding finger to my mouth to try and stop the bleeding. She then went over and untied the others, but the creature still remained on the floor unconscious which was good.

" NO TIME TO TALK WE HAVE TO GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE!!" she yelled As the others began to wake up.

" what the...where am I?" Alex said groggily but I pulled her up on her feet quickly as scarlet got the others up.

"come on we will explain later" I said as we went running straight towards the door hoping to make it out alive.

" can someone please explain whats going on here!!" the doctor yelled but we just kept on running as he followed.

" I will explain everything later!! we just need t-" scarlet didn't finish her sentence as we came to what seemed like a dead end and then we heard the laugh which we all knew was him.

" TO LATE FOR YOU TO GO ANYWHERE NOW......TIMELORD" he spoke as I gulped back in fear.

" wait I thought I killed you!?!?! " scarlet yelled as she stood there trying to figure out what she did wrong.

"I CAN NEVER BE KILLED CHILD" he laughed as Scarlets mouth gaped open oh no here we go.

" okay let's get one thing straight "who ever you are" no one and I mean no one calls me a child!!" she says as she crosses her arms with an aggravated look on her face.

" WELL YOUR LITTLE FRIEND CALLED SKYLUR I BELIEVE MADE A DEAL" scarlet then look confused as everyone else was also.

" she didn't make a deal and plus she didn't sign the contract so therefore she didn't make a deal" scarlet spoke up as he just laughed back at her remark.

" LOOK AT HER RIGHT INDEX FINGER" he spoke and the doctor picked it up and looked at it.He then turned it from side to side and as he let out a sigh he dropped my hand which fell to my side.

" well looks like theres no way out of this one if I only had my TARDIS this will be much easier but...wait my sonic screwdriver!! Where's my sonic screwdriver!?" he yelled as he was looking frantically for it but nothing.

" he must of took it from you when you were knocked out" scarlet said as I had a feeling that things are going to get bad real fast if we don't come up with an idea on how to get out of this mad house....or where ever we are in that matter.


" wait a minute maybe we could find a loophole in the contract or something!!" emma yelled,I mean it sounded like a good idea but I doubt we will be able to find one.

"SORRY BUR NO LOOPHOLE IN THIS CONTRACT CHILD,ONCE YOU SIGNED IT WITH YOUR OWN BLOOD OR DNA THEN THE CONTRACT IS A DONE SET DEAL" he echoed and we all stood there more frustrated then ever before this should be fun.

" SO WHO'S READY FOR A GOOD GAME OF SURVIVAL" we all stood in the same spots unable to move but the doctor seemed to be deep in thought about something. I was about to speak but then I felt a something cover my mouth as I heard the others struggle as well.i kicked and screamed but I knew i wouldn't let go of its grip,then my eyes started to close as I felt myself being dropped to the floor. I couldn't move it felt like I was paralyzed from top to bottom but then I felt myself fade away and a billion questions kept going trough my mind. what did it want with me? More certainly why did it have to be me?? And last but not least how the heck are we going to get out of here??? but I wasn't worried about that, I was more worried about what I got myself into, more like everyone else into because I knew there was no way out of this contract even if there was a loophole....

OH MY GOSH WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! WELL YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER TO SEE LOL XD I hope you guys liked this chapter and I'm working on the next one so it should be posted soon!!! :D

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