Chapter 1

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"We're really glad to have you here, Akaashi-kun."

Akaashi followed the man through the hallways, absently watching the curl in his silvery-grey hair bounce as they walked. "We were in a bit of... trouble on the conductor business; we have one of course, but no back up other than me, and he's new and young so I have a feeling it's hard for him sometimes. He doesn't really mesh with some of our musicians... to say the best."

"I'm happy to be of service, then," Akaashi said bluntly. What was he even doing here? He didn't particularly enjoy conducting; he supposed he had been drawn in because he needed the money whilst he was studying and this was an excellent symphony orchestra, so it payed well.

And his parents.

They had always wanted him to continue music, but never wanted him to focus on conducting. He knew that they had only paid the tuition for him to be transferred here because of the orchestra. Akaashi wondered, not for the first time, if he had taken the offer to go here from Konoha because he actually wanted to continue music, or just out of spite.

Sugawara giggled, a dimple creasing the cheek under a mole beneath his eye. He was cute, but Akaashi wasn't here for anything like that.

"You're so serious, Akaashi-kun. Loosen up."

As if he could. He hadn't conducted professionally for years. He could feel his chest getting tighter with each step closer to the concert hall.

"Ah, sorry Sugawara-san." Suga smiled knowingly. Clearly, this stony, serious, and unenthusiastic Akaashi Keiji wasn't going to be softened so easily. But he pushed that thought aside as they heard muffled music leaking through the thick doors leading to the concert hall.

"Sounds like they're still practising! Perfect, you can watch!"

Suga smiled at a member of security, showing his ID, and he opened the door for them.

Akaashi was flooded with noise.

It boomed, fast and loud around him, filling the entire hall with a sharp sound that made the hair on the back of his neck prickle. The musicians worked quickly, violinists drawing their bows across the strings with vigour as the sounds of trumpets died out. This overwhelming aura hit Akaashi like a tidal wave, but he couldn't help but let his focus be drawn to the man sitting in the grand piano to the left of the conductor.

He looked small and thin, with bright orange hair that bounced as his fingers flew over the keys. His piano was sharp and fast and loud, catching and stealing the attention of anyone listening. His extravagant movements looked excited as he played, moving in an intense focus that almost looked fun. Akaashi's heart beat quickly as the small pianist played faster and faster, seemingly letting all his swift and loud passion out into the concert hall; wild and free. With a closer look, he saw that the young man was wearing earbuds. He might not even be able to hear the orchestra around him. He was astounded at the pianist, but Akaashi wasn't dumb. With great effort, he turned his eyes to the conductor.

He was a man that hardly looked much younger than Akaashi, but he was incredibly serious. He looked as if he was scowling as his hands waved strictly in front of him; but he was just focused. Akaashi was shocked that he allowed the redhead pianist to drag the music along so quickly, but he was even more astounded when he realised what the young man was actually doing.

He seemed to be raising the speed of the entire concert hall, increasing the tempo of the very music, as he pushed the pianist higher. Drew attention to him. Dimmed the violins to let him shine. The conductor grinned as the pianist played faster, letting him drag up the speed for the pianist to play a simple but incredible solo as the trumpets and bass died out almost completely.

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