Chapter 3

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The next day, when Akaashi walked into the concert hall, there was a man standing where Sugawara had stood. He turned when Akaashi walked up to him.

"Oh, you must be Akaashi Keji. Pleased to have you with us. I'm Ukai; I organise these kids. Sorry I was gone the past few days, my grandfather isn't well."

Akaashi bowed respectfully.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for having me." Ukai nodded and looked down at the sheets in his hands.

"Right, well we're about to start rehearsing. What do you play?"

"I'm a conductor," Akaashi said, and Ukai furrowed his brows.

"I'm afraid we're trying to train up Kageyama to work with the rest, so you'll be playing today. What do you play?" Akaashi swallowed, a nervous feeling twisting in his stomach.

"I don't play anymore-"

"Violin? Recorder? Flute?" Ukai looked at him sternly and Akaashi bit his cheek.

"I conduct."

"And I said that we can't have you conduct today-"

"Then I'll just watch!" Akaashi hadn't meant for it to come out with a yell, but a silence had blanketed the hall and all the eyes were on them now. His heart pounded in his chest as Ukai stared at him. God, just kick me out already, it will be nicer-

"Akaashi Keji, huh?" The man pulled his fingers through blonde hair. "Fine. Kageyama!" Kageyama was obviously looking over already, but he stood a little straighter. "Step down and let Akaashi conduct. Pick up your violin."

Kageyama froze, looking scared and upset for a fraction of a second, but when he looked at Akaashi he seemed to decide that it would be just as good to watch his senior conduct and try to learn from him. Akaashi stared at Ukai with his mouth slightly ajar. The man flicked his eyebrows up. "Go on. You wanted to conduct, didn't you?"

Akaashi walked up to the podium slowly, wondering if anyone else could hear his heart beating as loudly as he could. His hands were clammy and shaking as he plucked up the thin baton in his right hand. Hadn't realised he had been holding his breath until he was struggling to let it loose, looking out over all the musicians.

How long had it been since he had conducted professionally? In a concert hall like this? The last time was just with Bokuto in that little music room-

Akaashi looked at Bokuto, who was staring right at him. Bokuto normally looked nervous behind the piano, Akaashi had noticed, but right now he looked serious. But his eyes glittered with excitement.

"Kaashi, will you conduct for me again?"

Akaashi let out a long sigh, collecting himself, and adjusted the music sheets on the stand in front of him. Then he gave two preparatory beats before beginning.

He was out of practice, and out of his mind with nerves, but everything felt surprisingly natural as he conducted. The eager musicians responded well, paying attention to his every detail. That must be from getting used to Kageyama's precision, he thought, and so he let the music glide along calmly. No way he could try and be as good as that.

The piece moved smoothly without rushing or slipping up, but Akaashi didn't like it. There was something missing from it, there was no way he could make Hinata shine like that. And so it sounded soft and mellow. Akaashi bit his lip.

Will you conduct for me again? It echoed around the back of his mind again, and he glanced over at Bokuto. Akaashi knew he already knew the notes. Bokuto was looking at him eagerly.

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