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The days dragged on. Wake up, eat, class, eat, study, sleep. Repeat. Even at quidditch practice Rosie felt numb, her mood was affected by the smallest things. She grew cold, colder than she was before. Rosie never used to hand out detentions but now they were being served on a sliver platter, steaming hot. 

Her life was falling to pieces, she had lost her kindness and gained the image of starting to act like her father. Her father had disappeared into thin air, no note, no trace. that was a week ago,

"Breaking News! William Wagner is missing! Last seen Thursday leaving his work at ten pm. If something were to happen to him the will would be immediately passed onto his remaining Heir, Rosie Wagner."

Reeta Skeeter was a huge pain in the ass, been on Rosies case ever since the fire when she was five. To make it worse news about the 'bet' spread like a wildfire, no thanks to Angelina Johnson. Malfoy had actually became one of her good friends, they finally had something in common. Our hatred for Gryffindor. 



Ace slammed the Daily Prophet onto the long oak table. "The things she is accusing you of! It's unbelievable, accusing you for you fathers death." I had my back hunched over my Charms text book. With everything happening i was glad i could at least focus on my grades. 

"My father is not dead, he's missing, not dead." I jerked my head up and snatched the paper right out of his hand. I didn't dare show the fear that was accumulating in me. I was scared, I do not deny it, what if they are after me next? I understand that my father meddled in dodgy business but would someone really go the length to kill him? 

"Sorry, I'm just stressed with Owls" Ace's face softened at my apology, I sat back down still with my fists clenched. Anna came running up and kissed Ace on the lips quickly. I was happy for them.

"Oi Wagner!" Pucey  called from the other end of the table, 

"What Pucey?" I snapped. I looked around and met the yes with Fred. Anger and regret ran through my veins, I didn't brake eye contact. Angelina had wrapped herself around him like the snake she is. It disgusted me, made me want to throw up. 

"Quidditch practice today after school. Be there." Pucey finished and I huffed and looked away from Fred. I sat back down. Fooling with the eggs on my plate with my fork

"You have to eat something, Rosie" Trent, who I recently took a liking too, said as he sat beside me. 

He was really tall, well built too, he was around 6'3, like the twins. He had dark hair and a striking bone structure along with dazzling blue eyes. He asked if we could be partners in potions and for me to tutor him and I agreed since then i have basically been attached to him. 

I looked back at Angelina and Fred laughing at something George and Lee said, 

"I lost my appetite." I said looking up at him. He was watching where my eyes were. With a blank expression I pushed my plate away from me and got up and left. 



Rosie looked pissed, more pissed than usual. She was frowning down at Ace but then her face softened. The bags under eyes had gotten darker and she had lost weight, and her skin didn't glow anymore, her hair had lost its golden shine and her lips were drained of the rosey pink colour. 

It has been two months since Christmas and she avoids me every time i try and apologise. I eventually gave up seeing what she was going through. Not to mention that she had a new sidekick, they seemed inseparable and I was really angry because this.

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