𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊

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GENEVIEVE HELD A BURNING HATRED to Astronomy as her friends knew. The sheer thought of the lesson was enough to leave the girl in a foul mood. The interruptions towards her sleep pattern was only one reason as to why the lesson shouldn't exist for her in the first place. That and the fact that nothing could stick in the girl's brain.

She didn't care for horoscopes, or the first Muggle and Magic telescope or the Race to Space between the US and Soviet Union, the only thing she wanted during those lessons was for it to end.

Entering the library, Genevieve glided her hand over the spines of the books. She wasn't happy to be on her own but the young girl couldn't find Remus to assist her in studying. James and Sirius were currently in detention and had somehow wrapped Peter up in their problem too.

Placing the book on the table, she pulled out as much parchment as she could, glaring at the chart in the book. Genevieve still couldn't understand as to why it was mandatory for her to learn the constellations in the galaxies, or the other planets and their moons for that matter. She didn't care to know that Titan was Saturn's biggest or what the names of the stars were in Orion's Belt, the only one she did know was Sirius - because he didn't shut up about it.

After being unable to obtain and keep any information for the last twenty minutes, Genevieve was close to pulling her hair out. The stress of this lesson was enough to cause a migraine, but she would never ask for help, she was too proud for that.

Folding her arms on the desk, she placed her head atop of them, breathing heavily. Suddenly, a jolt to her chair sent her flying up. Ready to attack, she quickly spun around, wand in hand only to see Sirius with his hands in the air.

"Found her." He whispered to the other two boys. Sitting beside the girl. "We've been looking for you everywhere. And Remus but we can't find him anywhere."

Genevieve smiled at the boy tiredly. "I cannae fin' him either. I jus' came here to do Astronomy." Pointing to the now closed book. "As yer can see, I dinnae like it." He laughed lightly as James sat on the other side of her.

"Genny..." He said sweetly. "Y'know cause you love us."

"Wha' d'yer wan' James?" She asked, turning back to the desk.

"Can you help us with Herbology, please?" Sirius begged her.

Genevieve laughed lightly, nodding. "Aye, alrigh'."

"And in return, I'll help you in Astronomy." Sirius offered. Genevieve's face lit up at the words. Hugging him suddenly and tight, she thanked him. "Anytime, Gen."

Rooting for the book needed, she soon returned to the boys the, surprising, day of studying beginning.

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Drumming her fingers quietly on the desk of the library, Genevieve closed the Astronomy book with her hand. The four of them had spent most of the day in the library studying, with the odd distraction. She was beyond thankful to Sirius' knowledge of Astronomy - though she kinda expected it because of his name.

Stacking the books atop of each other, Genevieve started putting them away, knocking the now very tired boys with her foot. Sirius was ready to run at full speed out of the library by now. Hours of studying was never something he planned on doing, but if it meant helping Genevieve he didn't mind.

The four of them returned to the Common Room just before curfew, dropping onto the couches like potatoes tiredly.

"My hand is cramping." James cried.

"My eyes are stinging." Peter complained.

"I'm so tired." Moaned both Genevieve and Sirius. They all laughed exhaustedly.

"Has nobody seen Remus all day?" James asked suddenly. Realisation set in that not only was he not there now, he hadn't been there with them all day.

Genevieve shook her head. "I looked for him this mornin' but I didnae fin' him."

"And we were in the library for ages." Sirius continued.

"I hope he's not ill." Peter replied worriedly.

Genevieve's head shot up at the mention of sicknesses. "He didnae loo' too gud t'other day, maybe he's jus' seeing Madam Pomfrey for the day." She suggested.

"How did none of us realise he didn't look well?" James asked shocked, and quite ashamed in himself.

"He didnae really act sick. He jus' looked a wee bit peaky an' tired." Genevieve replied, dropping her head on Sirius' shoulder. "Thank yer for helpin' me with Astronomy."

"Anytime. Thank you for helping me with Herbology." She smiled.

After moments of silence between the four of them, they decided to call it for tonight. Saying goodnight to the boys, Genevieve ran up to her room.

Opening the door as quietly as possible, she soon saw it was pointless, all four girls sat on the floor playing a game. Smiling, Genevieve sat herself on her bed.

"I wasn't bothered by Potter today Gen, what did you do?" Lily asked her, not removing her eyes from the game in front of her.

She shrugged. "We were in the library." That caught her attention. "I were helpin' the lads with Herbology."

Lily scoffed. "James Potter paid attention to it?"

Genevieve nodded. "He's not ba' Lily, he's a gud lad, means well. He jus' likes a wee bit o' fun." She explained.

"Fun?!" She asked insulted. "He picks on Sev."

"Snape's nae Saint, Lily I'm jus' sayin'." She replied tiredly. "An' before yer argue with the neither is James commen', dinnae bother cause I nae'r said he were. I'm too tire' to argue abou' it I'm jus' sayin' yer mate is a prioc when he's not with yer." She explained, grabbing her clothes.

"An' also, James and Sirius were helpin' me with Astronomy cause Remus were busy, tha's why they didnae bother yer." She replied once more before leaving for a late night shower.

Once she returned the girls' game was over, Dorcas and Marlene both having fallen asleep. Lily sat upright in her bed with a big textbook and parchment and Mary was reading a muggle children's book.

Genevieve dropped her clothes into her trunk, which she still hadn't unpacked after weeks of arriving. Wrapping herself under the covers of her four-poster bed, she pulled out her childhood teddy from under her pillow. With light still emitting from Lily's side of the room, Genevieve closed all the curtains and fell back onto her pillow, drifting to sleep almost immediately.

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Prioc - Prick (Scottish Gaelic)

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕯𝖔𝖊𝖘𝖓'𝖙 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 ~ 𝗦𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘂𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Where stories live. Discover now