𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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GENEVIEVE WAS READY TO BANG her head against the table of the library as she glared at the books she was studying from. The table looked in disarray as she scanned over the many sheets of paper. Exams would be happening soon and she felt unprepared.

All the boys had been telling her not to worry or stress about them, they reassured her that she was one of the smartest witches in their year. Not to mention the most hard-working of the five. Remus had once again disappeared during the day, leading Genevieve to still concern over her friend. She couldn't dwell on that though, she wasn't taking the boys advice

She grumbled to herself under her breath slamming the Astronomy book closed for the fifth time that same hour. Remus had been telling her if she wanted to revise, to do the things she didn't like first. This only worked however, if she actually understood what was in the book in the first place.

A tap on her tensed shoulders, brought her eyes away from the mess. She met Sirius' eyes as he held something secretly in his hand. "Let me sit down." He told her quietly, flashing the food to her. She pulled open the chair beside her allowing her to sit. "Thank you. Oh, here." He handed the pasty to her quickly. "You've been in here all morning, why?"

She narrowed her eyes as she quickly bit into the still warm pasty. "I have sai' it once an' I'll say it again." She said, flakes of pastry flying from her mouth. She quickly swallowed the mouthful down. "I ha'e Astronomy with the upmos' burnin' passion to e'er exis' in this worl' an' the nex'." She motioned to the book.

Sirius chuckled. "I thought Remus told you to do the stuff you hate first." He repeated their friend's words.

She nodded. "Aye, he did. Bu' tha's easier sai' than done when ye cannae understan' any o' the stuff in the flamin' book." She quietly seethed. She didn't know what it was about Astronomy, but she hadn't understood it from day one, even after Sirius had tried explaining it to her in both verbal and note form. She sighed, resting her elbows on the table and pulling at her hair. "I'm losin' ma min', Siri." She muttered, her voice cracked from all the stress of not understanding.

Sirius watched her before pulling her into a hug. "Don't get yourself so wound up over it. Everyone's got that one subject they're bad in. Like me and James in Herbology, or Peter in Charms. Remus isn't amazing at History of Magic either." He explained to her. "If you fail one class, that doesn't matter you still have..." He began to count all their classes on his fingers. "Six more classes to pass."

She sat herself back up, wiping the angry tear tracks from her face. "Thank ye." She smirked at him.

He smiled back to her. "Anytime. Now, what do you not get?" He asked her before quickly adding. "And don't say everything." She chuckled opening the book again.

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕯𝖔𝖊𝖘𝖓'𝖙 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 ~ 𝗦𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘂𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Where stories live. Discover now