𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS WERE COMING FASTER than Genevieve had expected. She could hardly remember the last two months, they had gone by in such a blur. Her frequent letters to and from her and Stephen were getting her very excited to be going home. He had once again invited her friends to join them in Glasgow, to enjoy the cold snowy weather. He didn't mind having her daughter be friends with boys, if anything Stephen was more than happy that his daughter had made friends.

Sirius gladly accepted, not wanting to be around his family during the Christmas holiday as it would turn into another lecture of their disappointment at the boy's sorting. James' parents were more than happy to let him go also, glad to see his friendships already setting into stone.

Remus' parents were quite apprehensive at first but, after his father triple checked the lunar calendar, they allowed him to join the other three. Peter's mother however, insisted that the boy spent his Christmas with family and that maybe another year he could celebrate it with his friends. Genevieve never admitted it to Peter, but she thought of his mother as smothering and over-bearing, and she lived with a single father.

Their last week was seeming to fly by rather too quick for Genevieve's liking. The Wednesday before the term ended she realised just how quickly the year seemed to slip by the first years.

"I cannae believe it's nearly Christmas." She commented to the boys as they sat by the frozen Black Lake, wrapped up in as much knitted goods as possible. "The year'll be o'er before we ken it."

James hummed in reply. "I know, it's scary."

"Really scary." Sirius agreed.

"Well I think it's been fun so far." Remus voiced his opinion, Peter soon agreeing.

"I'm just sad I can't join you guys at Gen's." He replied sadly.

"Yer can always celebrate with us nex' year." Genevieve comforted, leaning against the tree.

The snowflakes in the sky were slowly floating down and getting caught in her long red hair. Sirius had complimented that her hair made her look like a fire princess in a frozen kingdom, to which she replied jokingly with poetic. The small flecks of white in her hair made the red shine more.

Genevieve always loved the Winters in Scotland. Though it was cold, that never stopped her. The ability to build snowmen, make snow angels and snow forts, have huge snowball fights (mainly with her father) and then at the end of the day curl up by the toasty fire in the house with a mug of hot chocolate. Winter was bliss for Genevieve, her favourite time of the year.

"So Gen, what's Christmas like in Scotland?" James asked curiously.

Genevieve smiled widely and began explaining anything and everything that could - and would - happen while the boys were up north. By the end both Sirius and James were very giddy about it. Genevieve watched Remus' face light up at the mention of chocolate making her laugh.

She was so excited for Christmas.

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The rest of the week seemed to fly by in the eyes of the five first years, much to Peter's dismay. The other four were so giddy they could hardly contain themselves, James, Sirius and Genevieve even earning some detentions for continuous talking. Genevieve was so excited to be returning home that she couldn't sleep the night before.

Instead, she dragged her trunk, which she had not unpacked at all since arriving at Hogwarts, downstairs ready for the following day. She accidentally ended up bumping into Sirius.

Looking down to her trunk, he chuckled. "Have you gotten fed up of Evans' bossiness?" He jokingly questioned. This earned him a disapproving look.

"She's nae bossy, she jus' dinnae like yer much." He gasped dramatically. "But I do, so yer fine." His mood changed.

"Can you not sleep either?" He asked her curiously. She nodded. He nodded before quickly picking up her trunk. "Come on."

Confusion flooded her features. "Wha're yer doin'?" She asked him as he began making his way up the stairs to the boys dorm.

"Taking your stuff to our dorm. You're staying there with us." He informed her in a matter-of-fact tone. "None of us are sleeping tonight anyway, we're playing Exploding Snap and throwing sweets at each other.

Shrugging her shoulders, Genevieve agreed and followed the boy upstairs. She had noticed that he had let his hair grow out a lot more since they first met, it reaching passed his eyes, covering them many times when he was writing she had realised.

Kicking open the door to the boys dorm. "I found a stray Genevieve." Sirius replied simply, dumping the trunk on the floor next to Remus' bed.

Closing the door behind her, she spotted the other three boys sat in a triangle shape on the floor.

"Ah, a wild Genevieve, a very rare creature." James said in a commentator voice. Rolling her eyes, she joined them on the floor. "Can't sleep either, eh?"

Shaking her head rapidly. "Nae, I'm exci'ed to see ma Da, yer have nae idea how hyper I am." She bounced happily. "An' I love Christmas, it's ma favourite holiday." She added quickly.

"How come?" Peter asked her. "Is it because of the presents?"

Genevieve almost cut him off. "Nae, nothin' like that. Ma Da an' me have love' Christmas for years. Every year we would buil' snow for's an snowmen. Then we'd make snow angels an' finish outside with a huge snowball figh'. I ne'er really knew wha' I wan'ed for Christmas so I'd always ask for a snow day. Ma Da would get me presen's but I ne'er really cared abou' 'em as much as wha' we did outside. We'd end the day drinkin' hot chocolates in fron' o' the fire an' jus' havin' a chat." She explained as best she could.

Sirius was very impressed by her response. He'd met so many people that only ever cared about Christmas for the presents, but not Genevieve.

"I ne'er really though' o' Christmas as jus' gettin' persen's an' eatin' turkey. It's abou' spendin' time with ma family, which is ma Da." She shrugged. "It migh' sound lame to yer lads."

Remus disagreed with her. "Not at all."

"I think it's really nice." James continued.

"Lovely." Commented Peter.

Sirius smiled. "I think it's really nice you like to spend time with your dad." He wished he had a relationship like that with his father, but sadly it was the opposite.

Sirius didn't get along with many of his family, only one of his cousins, who had been disowned by the family and Sirius hadn't seen since she left. The rest of his family all believed in 'Blood purity' and that the 'Noble House of Black' should only marry noble purebloods. Sirius and his cousin however had very different views of their incest family - his cousin being disowned because of her beliefs and who she married.

He wished his family was different. He wished his family would be more like Genevieve's in that moment.

"Well, sorry Peter, but yer'll all get to see this firs' han' when yer stay." She assured them happily.

Sirius smiled, pushing his feelings and thoughts to the back of his mind. "I don't know about those two, but I can't wait."

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𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕯𝖔𝖊𝖘𝖓'𝖙 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 ~ 𝗦𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘂𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸Where stories live. Discover now