Chapter 6

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As Owen entered the cabin, his heart stops. There were webs covering the small space from head to toe. The sight made Owahn gag and NOT in a good way.

"Shrek? What is this place? Uhh... Shrek?" He turned around and Shrek was gone. In his place was a huge ass Spider/Demon hybrid; practically Satan.

"HeLlO jOhNnY!" That thing said. Owahn was totally into it. "Do YoU lIkE mY cAbIn?" Owahn was too busy admiring his sexy spider legs to focus on what was being said.

"Sure sure yeah Honey, is it weird Im more attracted to you now? Cuz I certainly am." He said dazilly, entranced by shreks new majestic body. Things just kept getting better and better for Owahn- or so he thought.

"... WhY dOeS eVeRyOnE sAy ThAt! I'm AbOuT tEh KilL yE aNd YoUr MoRe WorRieD aBoUt BeIn A fUrRy? FuCkIn SeX n AlL tHaT. yA dInGuS! pEoPlE tHeSe DaYs! I dOnT eVeN hAvE mE dIcK aNyMoRe! WhAt? Do Ye WaNt Te GeT aLl Up In MeH pEdIpAlPs?! Im A fUcKiN sPiDeR! DaMn!"

Owahn felt flustered. Shrek was so hot as an insect but his words were so confusing. "W-what do you mean you're gonna kill me?" Owahn questioned stupidly while biting his lip. "So... no sex?"

"..." Shrek had just about had it. "MuNcH mUnCh TiMe." With that, Shrek pounced on Owahns small fragile body. The struggle was eminent, both sides taking great blows. Owahn bitch slapped Shrek with the force of and strength of a fetus causing Shrek to feel a little hurt but he continued to eat Owahn.

"Eeee SHREK eeeeee!" Owahn screeched in protest.

"YoU tAsTe... JuSt LiKe ThE cHiLdReN i GoT fOr ShReKmAs LaSt YeAr!"

"O-oh..." Owahn stuttered nervously "thanks daddy" he moaned momentarily interrupting his screams of agony.

"ItS a GoOd ThInG i GoT tO pLaY wItH yOu FiRsT!" Shrek stated proudly in between monches.

Owahn. blushed. 'Aww' he thought sweetly, 'Shrek is trying to keep my mind off being eaten alive...such a gentleman.' Little did he know it was just because Shrek wanted Owahn's happy juices to flow one last time.

Just before Shrek had almost entirely eaten Owahn, he stopped and stared into what was left of his eyes 🌚🌝. They had a moment.

"Babe I- I have to tell you something. I want you to understand why this has to happen."

Owahn sat confused and barely conscious (blood loss n stuff you know the deal) listening intently.

"You see I am part of... I'm part of a cult; the moon cult."

Owahn really couldn't care less, but in a mental state of guess Im dying now - its whateve's.

"In order to be fully initiated I must consume the person I love... but I think you'll do for now... " Sherk nodded and continued his Owahn monching as if anything he had just said made remotely any sense to Owahn.

Before Shrek knew it, Owahn was nothing more than an ear and a spine. He decided that was enough evidence and began to drag Owahns bones off into the forest to meet the other cult members for an evening snack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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