Chapter 16 (Travis's POV)

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Conner, if you are reading this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I mean one-hundred percent of what I'm about to say.

You are the singular worst person to ever be stuck in a car with for 12 hours.

We left for Katie's town around 7:00ish and were on the highway in no time. Katie insisted on driving. I was worried at first that she wouldn't get any sleep and kill us all, but she reassured me that she wouldn't and would let me drive half of it. Of course, she wouldn't get any sleep because she would have to be my map.

Her town was so small that it wasn't on a paper map and we didn't want to risk it with phones. Now, when we got into the car, we arranged where everyone sat. We had to shove our bags in the trunk, which wasn't very big because it was a BMW Punchbug. Miranda and Conner sat in the back seat while I sat up front with Katie.

As I've said before, Conner is not ADHD or dyslexic. I have both of those along with motion sickness. Fun. Katie only had ADHD while Miranda had both ADHD and Dyslexia. So that was three ADHD kids and a super hyper sixteen-year-old piled into a car for a 12-hour drive across mostly open fields. Even more fun.

While I spent the first hour staring straight ahead and trying not to puke, Miranda and Conner kept talking about their favorite songs, musicals, and other stuff. Katie joined in the conversation a couple of times but was mostly set on trying to get me to talk. I tried to oblige but I couldn't focus on her words. She gave up when she asked if I had ever heard of Harry Potter and I responded with triangle.

I could tell that she was hurt by me not talking, but I explained it to her. She seemed glad that I didn't puke all over her car.

The second and third hours were just Miranda and Conner arguing about a stupid audiobook. Now, I know what you guys are thinking, 'How did they listen to an audiobook if demigods cant use electronics. Well my friend, at the local library, there were books you could check out that came with their very own little device that only played that audiobook. This was ancient technology, it was like a VHS tape of something.

The audiobook they were arguing over? Peter Johnson and the Thunder Stealer and Peter Johnson and the Ocean of Creatures. I had listened to both of them and didn't like either of them. I wasn't a big fan of the Peter Johnson books. They were based on Greek mythology and hot way too close to reality for me.

Anyway, Miranda and Conner calmed down enough so I could sleep. I leaned against the car door and shut my eyes. I fell asleep almost instantly.

I was hit with a horrible nightmare.

It was camp and it was under attack. Creatures that looked like death itself were surrounding the camp. I looked around for Nico and hazel, trying to see if they could stop it. I didn't see any Romans, including Hazel. I found Nico. Though now I wish I hadn't.

Nico was laying on the ground with a big spike in his side. It looked poisoned. I tried to yell for help, but my voice wouldn't work. I looked everywhere to see if anyone else could help, but I saw that they were all falling in battle. That's when I started to fight the monsters off.

I found it strange that I could interact with a dream, but I didn't care. I slashed through hundreds of monsters while also encouraging my friends. At one point, Katie ended up next to me. She waved and smiled and I smiled back.

We fought together like a well-oiled machine until I heard a familiar scream.


I turned towards the sound and saw Conner about to get killed by a huge hell-hound. I sprint towards Conner to save him while I hear Katie screaming for me to stop. She was just jealous, I told myself as I kept sprinting.

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