Chapter 1

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   "Hibiscus refresher for Y/N!"

   I smiled and grabbed my drink from the barista in a green apron.

   "Thanks so much." I spoke and walked to a table in the corner holding my book in my hand.

   I sat down in the mildly uncomfortable chair and relaxed in the pretty empty coffee shop. I found the bent corner of a page and continued reading where I left off.

   Romantic novels will always be my favourite. There's always some plot twist or interesting love triangle and I just can't get enough of the detailed words to describe such love between two souls. It's crazy.

   I had reached the end of my chapter when I heard the bell ring to signal the door was opening. I just felt so drawn to look up so I did and saw a rather handsome and intriguing male walk through the doors.

   We locked eyes for a second before I looked back down at my book and let a light pink evolve in my cheeks. I got distracted yet again by my book, too distracted to see the male I saw what felt like only seconds ago approach my table. I looked up and met eyes with him.

   "May I sit?" He smiled. I blushed slightly and nodded. Closing my book and setting it down on the table

   We looked at each other for a minute before he spoke, "I haven't seen you around here before, are you new in Seoul?"

   "Yeah I moved here at the start of summer." I answered and he nodded sightly.

   "You're a student?" I shook my head and chuckled at his question.

   "Just finished high school, graduated last June." I smiled and he smiled back.

   "Where did you live before?"

   "I kinda studied abroad, each semester a new place and new experiences." I shrugged.

   "Really, that sounds really cool."

   "It was, kinda stressful though and tough not seeing my family." I sighed, gaining that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach from missing my family.

   "Where does your family live?"

   "Oh I'm Japanese, they live in Tokyo." I smiled and thought of a few of my favourite childhood memories before I heard him speak again.

    "Where did you all travel?"

   "Oh on grade nine was Maui and Beijing. Grade ten was Moscow and this unpronounceable city in Iceland. Grade eleven was New York and Chiang Mai. And then Grade twelve was Venice and Paris."

   "Man I wish that was my high school experience." He chuckled and looked down at his biodegradable coffee to-go cup

   "You're graduated?"

    "Yeah graduated two years ago I believe. If I'm correct I graduated a year before you." He answered.

   "Do you live here in Seoul?" I asked.

   "Born and raised in Seoul."

We continue talking and learned about each other high school experience and I learned he is 20 while I'm almost 19.

His phone began to buzz and he picked it up.

"Hello?" He spoke. His face dropped and he looked rather upset and angry.

"I'm sorry I have to go, something came up at work." He apologized and stood up.

"No problem." I smiled and as soon as he left I realized we hadn't exchanged numbers or even learned each other's names.

I walked back to my house, quite disappointed in myself I didn't think to ask even just his name let alone his number. I went inside to make myself something for supper as it was already 5:00pm when I left my house at 11:30am. Time flies when you have your nose in a good book... and some company.

I made myself some breakfast for supper because why not. Some farmers sausage, toast, eggs, hash browns, bacon, wife material right here. Eating in my living I flipped through some channels on my tv before landing on a news report.

"The infamous KQ mafia is still wanted but today, two Seoul gang members of the YG gang are found dead with KQ's signature trademark, a white handkerchief but now with BH hand sewn into it and with the small letters of HK. If you aren't familiar with the KQ mafia, here's what you need to know..."

I listened in horror to here what horrible things these people have done. Hanging people in a children's park late nigh so when kids come in the morning there is bodies in the trees, an infamous alleyway of blood where no one dares walk through as everyone who does does by the KQ mafia and gets their blood splattered on the wall, a river of blood happened every two months where gang members are missing but a river on the outskirts of Seoul run red, in very serene places that have ponds they will dismember some of their victims and just throw them in, and so many more.

Their trademark that they mark their victims with is a white handkerchief with the two big black letters and two other small letters that no one knows what they mean.

I now felt scared going outside. It was 7:00pm so I locked my doors and windows, now paranoid someone would try to break in, and shut off my lights before going to my room and watching some romcom I found called Warm Bodies.

I fell asleep halfway through and enjoyed a peaceful sleep, still wondering who the handsome stranger I met at the coffee shot was and if I would ever get the chance to ask him a name.

Mafia Boss (JonghoXReader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now