Ashleigh - Persona (OUTDATED)

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Extra Info: He practiced taekwondo, virgin, can be seductive, SUPER perverted (when horny)

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Extra Info: He practiced taekwondo, virgin, can be seductive, SUPER perverted (when horny).


<10 Years Old>

Ashleigh, he was a loner. He doesn't have any friends. Well, except his best friend, Ashley. She's more like a twin to him, maybe because they look the same. But she's always busy with the others, and he doesn't really like her that much.

Ah, he's short haired at this time. He decided to grew his hair longer because he wants to make Ashley jealous.

Even that he's not the best looking guy at the school, he has a pretty big ego. Nobody knows why he has a big ego, that's bigger than his own brain. And his confidence, oh my.

Compared to Ashley, who's shy about her own face and body. Ashleigh has a confidence Ashley used to have when she was little. Don't think that you can destroy his confidence at this time, because his confidence are the at highest point in this time. You can say he's pretty narcissistic for his age.

Also, he's a bully. He'll go around and tease people. He would never harm them, but, he'll bully them as in taking their bags and wouldn't let them get it.

He's 5'2 but he's a fricking cheetah. He runs around like he's always in a sugar rush. You can try to outrun him in a race, even if you win, he wouldn't be mad about it. He'll congratulate you, surprising for a narcissistic kid right? Maybe he's not that bad... probably just too confident.

<12 Years Old>

When he was around 12 years old, his confidence started to reduce. He wasn't that confident about his sexuality.

A month ago he was crushing on girls and then he was starting to crushing on boys. He was confused. He didn't know what was happening.

"Hey, uh. Ash." He patted on Ashley's back. Ashley turned her head. "Something wrong buddy?" He nodded. "I need to tell you something.."

Him and Ashley sat down on a place where they would usually hang at. The schools backyard, it's usually quiet there. Ashley and Ashleigh would go there to either listen to songs or read books. But this time it's different.

"I used to like girls. But now I like boys. Is it wrong or?" He asked, worried. Ashley smiled and laughed a little. "You silly!" She rubbed his hair. "You got me scared for a second!" She laughed.

"There's nothing wrong in liking girls or boys. It's your sexuality that's changing, and that's okay!" Ashleigh's eyes widen. "Mine changes a lot of time, and that's normal. You're either bisexual or biromantic!"

"What are the difference?"

"Bisexual is when you like two genders, male and female, and you have some kind of sexual tension for them. Sometimes you can sway to guys or girls more. It depends for every person. Biromantic is the same, you like two genders, male and female, but you feel no to almost little sexual tension for them. Asexual or ace has the same description!"

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