Chapter (21)

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Ky'omi Syrie Anne Gualden

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Ky'omi Syrie Anne Gualden

I had woken up in a dark room making me confused. I had tried to get up noticing I was tied down. I laid back looking around seeing no windows and stairs. I knew I was in a basement. Soon I seen light coming from the stair way making me quickly act like I was sleep.

"I wanna sell her to you." I heard a male voice speak.

"This lil ass girl how old she is?" Another male asked.

"Ion know I found her."

"Mane I'll buy her." They said.

But was cut off by a phone ringing making the person quickly answer.

"Charlie's slut house you got the doe we got the hoe how may I assist you?" The man ask.

I felt eyes on me making me peek my eyes a little but quickly close them back making them lowly chuckle. I can't believe I got kidnapped two times in the same day. How am I gonna excape this time.

"Okay she's for 350." The man got off the phone demanding.

"Bet," I guess they handed him the money.

"Want me to help you get her?"

"Nah you good mane I got dis."

I felt like I was being untied then picked up i fluttered my eyes opened seeing a man carrying me to a all matter black Benz.

"You up i see." The person said making me look up to see a unfamiliar face.

"W- who are you?" I asked.

"Lil doo mamas." Doo nodded.

"Oh where am I?" I asked.

"Don't worry ma imma getchu back home." He out me in the backseat driving off.

"Okay." I looked out the window.

"You hungry?"

"Yes sir."

"Bet we gone get some McDonald's."

"Yes sir."

I stayed quiet looking out the window of the car as the rain dropped down. We had soon came to a stop. We were at McDonald's he had made his order then he asked me what I want.

"Whatchu want?" He looked at me through the rerview mirror.

"Hot and spicy just mayonnaise and a large vanilla shake with some fries."

(This my order😂)

"Yes can I have what she said." He spoke to the machine.

He pulled up to the next window giving the lady the money receiving his change then pulled up to the next window grabbing our food then he checked it to see if it was right it was so he pulled off.

"Hea yo food in Thea." He ain't told me.

"Thanks doo."

"Your welcome." He nodded before taking a right.

I ate in silence until I went straight to sleep in the backseat. I had food in my body I was alright I had energy but I was just ready to get back to My daddy and brothers. Soon I felt a pain shoot through my body that's when I was done for.

Narrator part

What Ky'omi didn't know they had got into a wreck while headed to the interstate. The person who dad wrecked the car was someone who was out to get Kentrell. They got out truck walking to the backseat of the car grabbing Ky'omi from out getting into another car pulling off. The person who had stole her name was known as Jaydayougan. You see they were out to get Kentrell and they wanted a daughter. So he took her and got back at Kentrell.

"Bae I got her." He spoke through the phone still looking to see if she woke up or not.

"Ight hurry up and bring her to the house." Jordan said hanging up the phone.

Jordan had to get her room ready Jay was doing the hard part getting her. They didn't want a son at all they don't even take care of him. Jordan thought the baby boy would keep him from cheating on her but it did t now she thinks if kidnapping a girl will help.

Soon jay had gotten back with Ky'omi

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