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'You're marrying him'


"Olivia over here" Yasmin yelled at Olivia to get he attention she walked over to us and plopped down annoyed

I rolled my eyes

"Jessica is a lucky b*tch" Olivia mumbled and I just rolled my eyes I swear Olivia and Yasmin have the biggest crush on that jerk

"I know right" Yasmin joined into Olivia's rant

I sighed I swear these two need to stop being obsessed with Ethan

"Aww look at him eat he's so cute" Yasmin awed him I rolled my eyes

Like every girl in school was in love with him

Including my friends

And I would NEVER like him EVER

(I didnt know that I would back then)

But we all know wasn't faithful to him like how I caught her with Jason his bestfriend

And shes such a b*tch and jealous when girls come close to him but she can cheat

I look over to Vince my crush

"When are you gonna confess your feelings to Vince" Olivoa asked me I shrugged my shoulders

"I would do it soon before he finds someone" Yasmin added in

Shes right

"I'll do it today after school" I said and smthey smiled and went back to drooling over at Ethan

I swear he's a douchebag i got up to dump my tray and go to class

Ugh Spanish u suck and hate where i sit

Couple mins later

I sighed walking into Spanish I glared at my seat and who was on his phone next to it


I took my seat and he looked at me then averted his eyes back to his phone

"Mr. Conner put your phone away" Mrs. Kindle said and he rolled hi eyes putting his phone away

Mrs. Kindle then started to speak nonsense


Ugh this stupid boy


Somebody kill me

He keeps tapping his pencil on the table

"WILL YOU STOP" I whisper shouted at him he looks at me with a devilish smirk I just glared at him

Then what he did just wanted to snap his neck

He mouthed 'BOOP' tapping his pencil on my nose

This boy got nerves

I excused myself just to get away from that


I walked into the bathroom

And soon someone came out if the stall


I rolled my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror

"Oh hi there what's it again Jordan" she said in the b*chest tone

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