Jordan is forced to marry the school's cocky jock who she hates but he changes after you cause she plays hard to get but slowly she catches feelings for him so does Ethan
"How dare you leave me in New York for that H*e" Jessica Spat at me while I kindly rolled my eyes ignoring her
"Well he would obvi leave for me like look at me" Sandra stepped in maybe if I slowly walk away they would never notice I slowly backed away until I heard her soft voice
I turned over to look at her beautiful face
"Well looks like she tracked us down" I said as I motioned over to Jessica
Her expression instantly hardens seeing Sandra and Jessica fighting over me and I knew she was a out to do something that will be sexy as f*ck She stopped over to middle of them and I instantly wanted to kiss her again is away her friends in the background and they knew shit was about to go down
"WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP" She yelled at both if them
"How bout you two stop being desperate and Jess go back to f*cking rat whole you came from you two Sandra and stop hitting on somebody taken"
Holy Sh*t this girl never fails to amaze me she continued blowing up in their face people would staring at my Wife with faces showing they would bang her
Like dude she's mine
Jessica and Sandra looked shocked at Jordan's words to be honest I was proud of her for standing up to them
Some of her pride was gone because of this Arranged Marriage but I think as friends
I helped her
At least I like to think.
I heard a sigh and looked down to see Jordan standing there exhausted
"Why do you Attract crazys" she asked me in a sarcastic tone I just laughed it off because it's true
"Let's just finish today ok." She nodded her head
"My baby!!!" My mom screamed as me and Jordan stepped off the jet I just rolled my eyes as she engulfed me in a hug we were back in New York to celebrate Jordan's 20th birthday I already turned 20 a month ago but we stayed in LA for that which I loved my birthday this year for once
Ethans birthday
"Psssst." Not right now I'm tired
"Ethan it's your birthday!!" She talked as she fell on me which instantly woke me up seeing her laying there in a laughing already made my day only she could do that
"Now get up and come get your present." She said as she rolled of of me and ran into the living room and I followed her as I put a pair of sweatpants on
I see her holding 2 plates of food This was already the best birthday I ever had
"Come eat before I force you to eat" she snapped me back into reality I sat next to her as she turned a movie on and ate her food she cooked pancakes and eggs which looked delicious by the way
"Ok now for your real present." She said while taking our plates I didn't even realize I ate it all then she came out with a small box
"Here." She passed the box and I open it to see a watch
"I know it's not much but I hope you like it." She said but she'll never know how much I love it already like I do he- ...
"ETHAN" my mom snapped me back in reality
"Yes" I sighed
"Be focused you need to learn this stuff" as she pointed to the tv with statistic for the family business which will never want I hope Jordand is enjoying her time
I hugged Natalie so hard I'm pretty sure she couldn't breathe
"Are you ready to be 20" she asked and I replied with a yes I've never been more ready because I've been wanting to be 20 since Ethans birthday I don't know why but I want to see what he'll do for mine me and Natalie went to get ready for the party which Ms and Mr Conner decided to host for me
Me and Natalie both decided to wear full length black dresses
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Jordan's dress
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Natalies dress
And then we were off to the party
As we walked in I saw Olivia and went to engulf her into a hug
"I've missed you Jordan." She said and I replied with me too and the rest of the night I've hanged out with friends even Alessa came all the way from Italy and as I suspected her and Natalie became friends too but one person I didn't see was Ethan which made me upset because I really wanted to see him so I went to a secluded part of the penthouse to breathe for a second
"Giordana?" I looked over to see Alessa
"Have you seen him" I asked her and she shook her head
"I'm sorry but I bet he'll show up wanna come dance?" She asked and I shook my head and continue to sit they're for at least 20 more mins until I felt the cushion of the couch sink I looked over to see Ethan I would be mad but I couldn't I just engulfed him in a hug and said
"We're finally 20!!!" He chuckled the most beautiful thing in the world
"I have your present" I squealed in excitement to see what he got me but he had nothin I looked at him confused that's when it happen he kissed me and Instantly my body felt like it was on fire I couldn't help but to give in