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'I do'


Ok now I'm just freaking out

Last week test next month graduation and moving and


I've been dreading this day

I put on the dress and in came Natalie and Olivia

Seeing me having panic attack

"Are you ok Jordan" Natalie asked

I shook my head they came and engulfed me into a hug calming me down

"Hey just think about it you made a friend out of this" Olivia said and shes right I did me and Ethan became Friends

I took deep breaths

"Ahh my daughter marrying a different person" My dad said as he entered the room

I rolled my eyes at his comment

"Oh Daddy what do we have the pleasure of you being here" I said in a sarcastic tone

"Oh because you made me loose my other daughter too" He said glaring at me

Yeah Natalie finally saw through his act at that dinner

"Aww come on Jordan I'm suppose to walk you down the aisle today" He said

I groaned and wrapped my arm around his arm

I scowled at him

Then we left the room with Natalie and Olivia following from behind

They went in the room and sat down while I waited at the door that enters the room

"Imma make your life a living hell" he whispered into my ear my eyes widened then we started to walk

I closed my eyes I dont went to see

I dont want to see all these people that think this is a love marriage they would all be disappointed if they really knew

Then we stopped at the alter I opened my eyes and took my place and just looked down at the floor

Then the priest started to speak nonsense

Hand in hand with Ethan still looking at the floor

Then Ethan pulled my head up to look at him he was giving me a reassuring  smile

I smiled back at him

See back then I would've never thought I'd be friends with him never or less marry him but here I am

Because were in this together

"Ethan Garret Conner do yo take Jordan Allie Hastings as your wallfuly wedded wife" The priest said I snickered at his middle name

"I do"

"Jordan Allie Hastings do you take Ethan Garret Conner as your wallfuly wedded husband" He asked me

"I-I do"

The priest said something and Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his body leaning down smashing his lips unto mine

It took a second or two to kiss him back and I dont know why but sparks ignited throughout my body when he kissed me

Once he pulled away he whispered something into my ear

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