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' What's going on in that mind of his '


"Why do we have to go" I asked

"Because it's your wedding so you have to be there to choose the wedding venue" she explained i sighed getting up to go change into a sweater dress and thigh high heels

"Because it's your wedding so you have to be there to choose the wedding venue" she explained i sighed getting up to go change into a sweater dress and thigh high heels

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I went down stairs

"Woof" Haedyn came from behind me scaring me

I swear shes to cute to be mad at I got down to the final step to see Isla and Ethan

"Why cant I go with Jordan" i heard Natalie ask my mom and she just sighed

"Ask Jordan" she said and she shot her head to me

"Whatever let's just get this over with" I said grabbing my coat and walking out the house into the limo

"JORDAN" Nat squealed j plugged my ears she got into the car and engulfed me in a hug

I looked at her soon Isla Ethan and my mom got into the car and we were off to venues

2 hours later

"Ok this is the last venue" the wedding planner said as we stepped out of the car

As we walked in my jaw dropped at how beautiful it was

(Picture above)

"Jordan this has to be the one" Nat sighed exhausted

"Hey i said anyone" I defended myself

We decided on that venue and that we would go out for dinner probably at a fancy place

"Welcome" a man greeted us and took us to a table

I sat down next to me bestie Nat and my


Ethan while our parents sat on the other side

"So where do you want to move after you finish high school Jordan" Isla asked I looked at her confused

Then she realizes something

"Ohhh Madeline didnt tell you" she said

I looked at my mom confused

"We wanted you guys to move away from New York after you finish High School" she said

I looked at her in disbelief who said I wanted to leave New York especially with him well he's not that bad but you get me

"Have ideas" Isla asked

Well I always wanted to go to LA

"Well I always wanted to go to LA" I told them and they nodded they're head

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