1) First snow

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Winter had thrown a misty coat on Hawkins, and all the colours were hidden behind the sickly paleness of the low and heavy clouds that covered every avenue corner and every dead-end street. It seemed like life had suddenly stilled and people stayed barricaded in their homes, wishing the sunny days were already here. Summer had been wonderful, and these long months under the blazing sun hadn't brought anything newsworthy. It was to be expected... we were in Hawkins after all.

However, something did occur at Starcourt Mall. A mistake in the building of the glass dome had caused it to collapse on the night of the Fourth of July. Of course, it would have made more noise if the accident had occurred when there were people in the building, but thankfully there were no victims. What's more, the rebuilding would be completed soon. It was only a small setback...

The Byers house was slightly isolated from the (already remote) small town and was close to the first trees that marked the entrance of the forest surrounding the town. Its occupants didn't go out more than the other townspeople these days. The only travels were absolutely necessary ones: for work, grocery shopping...

"The phone !" Will shouted, breaking the silence that had settled in the place. He was sitting slouched at the living room table in front of dozen of pencils, each one a different colour and size.

"Can you go get it honey ?" Joyce asked in a annoyed tone, busy with taking out the plates for dinner.

"Not now ! I've nearly finished my drawing of Kor the Troll's crystal ball."

Joyce sighed loudly as she rushed past him.

She picked the phone up, expecting to hear the voice of one of Will's friends.

"Joyce ? Is that you ?"

She immediately smiled.

"Hi Hopper."

It wasn't rare for him to call her after the events of the last few years. It had become a kind of ritual, a routine that mattered a lot to them both.

"Is everything alright ? Are you keeping busy ?" Hopper asked.

"I'm good, I'm trying to forget that Jonathan isn't here."

"He left to study journalism... you'll have to give me his number so I can congratulate him for obtaining a scholarship."

"This is kind of you... but you could go and see him too one of these days. He'd love to see you. Everything is going well for him, he's starting to get used to city life."

"I understand, it's a completely different world."

Joyce would have liked to learn more, but she didn't want to venture on a slippery slope. His past was one. Life in the metropolis hadn't been a success for him...

"And Will is still hanging out with his friends. He's growing up crazy fast these days, and I'm not only talking about the fact that he'll soon be the same height as me !" They both laughed.

"What about you ?" he asked seriously.


I nearly lost my children many times these past three years.

I was powerless so many times... unable to protect them.

I let them face death.

"Me... I'm fine ! What about you ?" If she managed to say it now, maybe she could believe it tomorrow.

"If you don't count El's tantrums when she wants to visit this stupid boy she calls "boyfriend", I'm good."

Joyce laughed.

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