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e¹—the proposal


They brought her tears.

The memories. The moments. Those lost moments. The last of the many ones she had of her loved ones. The loved ones she'd lost.

But those tears didn't break her down this time. This time, she wiped them away. This time, she untied the knot which she'd carried since they'd left. Because she knew, it was the right thing to do.

It's hard. To let go. But it was harder, to live with the pain. Reminiscing the tarnished golden moments which were created with the love and the bond she'd shared with her family, it felt beautiful, it felt right. But clinging onto them, it was fruitless. It wouldn't get them to come back, but would only make living without them more difficult.

If you keep clutching onto the old, how will you get hold of the new ones?

And she knew it. Because all it took was a chance. And she gave it to him. And she definitely doesn't regret one bit.

Yeojung, her father, her mother, they were now the residents of her heart, where they would stay forever. While Jin, had become her soul, her reason, her world.

Jin leaned onto the door frame of their newly bought house, silently watching Aera put the dainty watch back into the small pearl case, and set it on the bedside table beside the little photo frames of her family. She sighed feeling light in her heart.

He made his way to her and wrapped his arms around her from the back, making her gasp at the unexpected action, and then giggle. His arms around her tightened, and he rested his chin on her shoulder lightly, as if conveying to her that she'd never be alone now.

"Oppa..." It came out as a mere whisper through her lips.

Jin hummed along, all his attention on her.

She turned around in his arms and wrapped her little ones around his waist, pulling him closer.

He was her calm. He was her oxygen. He was all she'd ever need.

She was an open book to him. It was that easy for him to understand the underlying messages of her actions.

He leaned forward and place a sweet, delicate, and lingering kiss on her cheekbone.

Those moments were very frequent these days. Sweet, innocent, yet intimate.


That brought their attention to the door, and their immediate action was to roll their eyes, at the sight of the young boy, a silly, smug grin on his face, darting his eyes back and forth between the couple, and a camera perched on his hand.

"I forgot you were here too." Jin mumbled, loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

"Sorry, not sorry, but I was too tempted to catch that sweet scene. So why not?" He replied with a cute chuckle.

"Whatever." He mumbled again, and turned around to gently start swaying the girl, who was still in his arms, along with his own body, to-and-fro.

A throat clearing from behind got an irritated hiss out of Jin's lips, and he let go of the giggling girl gently before turning around with a clear scowl on his handsome features.

"I forgot to tell you that there's a girl on the door, asking for Aera noona." Jungkook informed innocently.

Said girl's eyes brightened at the piece of information and she swiftly made her way to the exit of the room, muttering a 'thanks Kook' on the way.

Jin watched the small figure of the girl leaving the room, with a smile on his face. It wasn't difficult to see the love he had for the girl, through his eyes.


Jin hummed along, getting back to arranging the wrapped-furniture to their places, and unwrapping them afterwards.

"I'm happy for you. You're lucky."

Jin paused in his actions for a second, then continued with a chuckle.

"I know. This handsomeness can't go empty, after all."

Jungkook was forced to laugh, sarcasm dripping his voice.

"Anyway, when are you getting married?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm proposing to her in an hour, right after you leave." He answered in a casual tone, shrugging.

Jungkook's expressions changed faster than Jin's unique ability to flip pancakes. First shock, surprise, then amusement, happiness. He'd only meant the question as a joke. But he was glad he'd asked.

"What?! You serious?!" He asked in a hushed, yet enthusiastic tone, dragging a genuine laugh out of the elder's mouth.

"Of course Jungkook. She's the one. My heart says." He sighed, a smile adorning his lips, which reached his eyes. "I love her, so much..."

Jungkook smiled. Jin was practically his brother. And he felt happy that his brother had managed to find the one for him.

It's a boon to love.

A moment of silence followed, with both of them drowning in their individual thoughts, until it was broken with the sound of laughter.

Confused as to why Jin started laughing without a reason, Jungkook asked,
"Hyung, you okay? What...?"

Jin sighed in content.

"It's quite funny that I happened to fall in love with the same girl twice, and it's funnier that it were our secret sessions which were our way of us falling in love..."

And with that, he pulled two items out of his pant pockets, to hide them behind his back, ready, the items being a box containing a diamond studded ring, and a red rose, with specks of white.


I need you like,
A heart needs a beat...
In the nights through the biting winter,
You'll be my heat.
The one regnant of my heart and me,
Is simply no one else but you only..."

the end.



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최 하진 ♡


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