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Eren: Yelling. "Have you tried it? It's extremely calming"

Armin: Being at the library, specifically the history section

Mikasa: Watching Eren 24/7

Jean: Taking care of his mane

Marco: Helping people and volunteering for stuff

Connie: Playing video games with Sasha on discord

Sasha: Cooking/watching Hell's Kitchen while eating snacks

Reiner: Plotting against humanity/admiring butterflies

Bertholdt: Being with Reiner/ reading

Annie: Sparring and kicking ass/ dealing drugs

Ymir: Getting into fights

Historia: Making stuff for her friends

Hanji: E x p e r i m e n t s/ torturing Eren

Erwin: Planning for everything

Mike: Helping Hanji with their experiments

Levi: Making out with brooms.

Oh yes your coarse bristles just make me wanna-
~Heard from a storage closet somewhere

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