Chapter 2 introduction

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"Who are you all?" Taehyung asked, keeping beside Namjoon, the one he knew best. They all are possessed the same aura as Namjoon anyway.

"My name is Hoseok." A boy stepped up, he wore a bright smile, his eyes a blazing blue with the glare of green. Sharp features on a flawless face. His lips shaped a heart when he smiled large enough, and a puff under his eyes created a friendly look on his face.

"Jimin" Another stepped up, he had an angelic babyface while Hoseok had more sharp features, nonetheless,Hoseok had a flawless appearance. His eyes tinted pink. smile on his face as well.

"I'm Yoongi." A shorter male stepped up, He didn't look as smiley as the rest, he had a pure face. Soft and unearthly features, eyes a sky blue, tinted with trails dark blue. the contrast of the two blues gave him a more stricking appearance. Pouting lips were pursed and his gaze was fixed on Taehyung. Out of the two introduced thus far, Yoongi was one who couldn't be mistaken as human, he was undoubtedly an angel. Yoongi stepped aside.

"I'm jungkook, the last said. He had a tint of yellow in his eyes. He was as tall as Taehyung, maybe an inch taller. He had a youthful face. Maybe the youngest of the four shown. He had a round cheeks and a round nose, his smile resembled bunny. He had a kind aura around him.

The four of them wore an outfit that was similar to Namjoons. Mainly white with flashes of color such as yellow shirt, Maybe an orange bracelet.

"Um.." Tae looked at the five, "Namjoon...? didn't you say I made seven?" Taehyung asked.

An aura entered the room and the five men in front of Taehyung stiffened, like a soldier would when the lieutenant enters the base.

Taehyung hesitantly turned around. A man stood, taller than Tae and an inch shorter than Namjoon.

Tae moved and stood beside Namjoon. Nervousness rose into his throat. The others didn't look afraid or nervous, more like they had stiffened to show respect.

"A new one?" He asked, his voice was very calm and smooth. Taehyung furrowed his brows looking at his eyes. His mind flashing back to Namjoon's words earlier when they met.

"Are all of the others eyes like that too?" Taehyung asked. Namjoon nodded.

"yes, with the slight of differences. such as creativity, passion, hope. No one angel is the same, but all angels have the basic blue eyes color" He said .

This angels eyes were white. A pure white, no tints, r added colors. No trace of blue. Taehyung's eyes followed this man as he walked a bit closer, stopping a few feet in front of Taehyung.

"What's your name?" He asked softly. He had very wide shoulders, large lips, dark hair parted and short. He was a handsome looking man.

"U-Uh...Kim Taehyung." Taehyung spoke out finally.

"Pleasure to meet you, Kim Taehyung. My name is Seokjin." Seokjin said. "Namjoon?' Seokjin looked away from Tae. His stare had been hard and unblinking.

"Yes, Jin?" Namjoon asked.

"Find Taehyung a room, get him settled." Jin smiled.

"Will do." Namjoon gave a small bow. Jin's eyes lingered in Tae. he tilted his head.

"Your eyes...they haven't changed yet," Jin said quietly more to himself. He shook his head, his smile returned as if it never left.

"They will. Eventually. Once your soul has chosen its color.' Jin smiled. "Welcome to Eden.' He turned.

"Shall we?" A hand on his shoulder caused him to turn to Namjoon. Taehyung nodded hesitantly. turned back, Jin had disappeared completely.


Taehyung didn't live with them for long so far. In this world, time didn't exist. Namjoon explained time as a materialistic product of Earth, that Eden does not follow the same rules of time and space.

Taehyung was happy here. He felt pure. He sat beside Jimin was reading a book titled "Demian". A book that he got from Namjoon who described it as the prime of human intelligence. Taehyung wasn't familiar with it, then again he wasn't much of a reader anyway, perhaps it was just that good of a book.

"Jimin? can I ask u something?" Taehyung asked. Taehyung didnt like to be alone, not when he was unfamiliar with Eden at the moment, so he was always with one of the five angels.

"Of course," Jimin said, unwilling to tear his eyes from the book. Taehyung sighed, looking out of the carved window. Every room inside the tree of life was similar. Wood built, almost cabin-like. But it was cozy.

there were no windows because it never rained< and there were no warm clothes because it never snowed. It was always perfect.

 "What is Eden...? Specially, why is it?" Taehyung asked. Jimin glanced up from his reading and sighed slightly. Not in annoyance, more of in a way that he was ready to tell a story.

"God created the Garden of Eden first for Adam and Eve. Once those two were removed, God decided that souls who weren't prepared to cross over to Heaven would become angels who look over everyone who comes to Eden as a new soul. Like you."Jimin explained calmly, a smile on his face.

"Who has been here the longest?" Taehyung asked.

"That would be Yoongi. He was the first one to land in Eden. however, Jin was the first to become an angel." Jimin said.

"Speaking of Jin." Tae trailed, he looked towards a patient Jimin.

"Why are his eyes a different color?" Tae asked head tilted slightly. Jimin smiled knowingly as if he had anticipated this question.

"Because he is wiser," Jimin said, ending it there. He stood.

"walk with me? I'll show you around Eden." He said. Taehyung nodded, following behind him. his curiosity over Jin still on his mind.

The Eden Garden | Taejin | Kim Taehyung | Kim Seokjin  ✔Where stories live. Discover now