Chapter 4 Red Eyes

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Taehyung had been in Eden for a while. Constantly filled with overwhelming happiness. Things felt off through. He didn't feel like himself. He felt induced. Like he was being forced to be happy.

Jin was around often, by his glances, Jin was keeping an eye on taehyung. Taehyung didn't feel comfortable with the stares. He ventured off one day, despite Jin telling him not too.

After Yoongi had told Taehyung about Jin, Jin had come by, he kindly asked Yoongi, and as Yoongi glanced at Taehyung he walked by, Taehyung saw that the pink tint had become stronger, almost covering the dark blue completely Yoongi and Jin left that day.

As Taehyung walked outside, he glanced up, seeing cloud was blocking the sun, and he felt his stomach twisting.

Yoongi comes back later, now alone. His posture straight, and the pink in his eyes had completely left. Now back to his dark blue. His features looked low. And Taehyung wasn't mistaken... Yoongi looked tired.

It must have been in his head. Angels don't sleep in Eden. There were no night times. No moons no stars. No evidence of the universe.

Taehyung wanted to ask Yoongi what happened because in a way Taehyung felt concerned for him. But Yoongi had climbed the spiral staircase and retreated into his room before Taehyung could catch him.

Taehyung didn't feel right. This wasn't him. He wasn't the type who was happy constantly.

He felt lied too. All the other angels that been made aware of their past life. But Jin refused to tell taehyung. Jin didn't seem he was telling the truth.

It didn't take a long until Taehyung picked up on the simple rules of Eden. Happiness was the blood of Eden and the Tree of Life. Fear and anguish were forbidden. If felt it could shatter the fabric of Eden, and poison the roots of the tree. What is the point of paradise if fear is allowed to follow?

Taehyung walked around streams and through the forest. He came upon a tree. A tree filled with apples. bright red apples. They looked good. Taehyung took a step towards the tall tree. But a force stopped him. He attempted to push through, but this invisible wall blocked him completely. He pressed his hand to this wall and push. Seeing the ripples of force. his eyes followed them. They rolled up and faded on the sky. Taehyung backed up, looking around.

Did this wall surround all of Eden?

Was he nothing but a mouse living in a cage disguised as paradise?

Taehyung reluctantly turned away. Walking back towards the Tree of Life.

perhaps he ventured too far off.


"This is not good, Namjoon." Jin sighed softly. He looked at Tae who walked through the forest.

"I know, Jin." Namjoon looked down at a respectful posture.

"His eyes.... they haven't changed yet."


Taehyung walked beside Yoongi through the grass. Yoongi kept a respectful distance, a peaceful smile on his soft lips.

"What did you and Jin do? Just.. out of curiosity." Taehyung asked, tossing pebbles into the river they walked beside.

"He gives me fruit." Yoongi smiled softly. taehyung tilted his head. his mind flashing to the apple tree he stumbled across.

"What kind?" He asked. Yoongi looked down at their walking feet. Taehyung had gotten closer to Yoongi since they spoke of Jin. He was a mysterious person who obviously knew more than he showed. He interested Taehyung.

The Eden Garden | Taejin | Kim Taehyung | Kim Seokjin  ✔Where stories live. Discover now