Chapter 5 The truth of Eden (End)

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Taehyung finally understood. He finally remembered. He knew now why his soul hadn't followed the trend of the angels.

He had committed a terrible sin, taking the life of another human... with no regrets, now evil he remembered everything about his past in vivid detail. He watched as the clouds got darker and completely blocked the sun. It stormy. Taehyung entered the Tree of Life which was cracking at the seems. bits of wood breaking off at every step Taehyung made.

"Jimin?" Taehyung asked seeing the back of Jimin in front of him. Jimin turned, firey red orbs stared back at his matching set.

"What have you done?" Jimin whispered. Taehyung looked around at the others. Jungkook looked sick.

He collapsed to his knees.

"jungkook!" Hoseok said panicked, rushing to Jungkook side.

"You've all been lied too," Taehyung said. "Seokjin... is no saint. He played you. Forcing you to be happy and carefree. That isn't you, that isn't any of you." Taehyung spoke up.

" Eden... Eden was not created for saints... but for sinners!" He hissed, "sinner... who play as saints."

"Seokjin isn't like that," Hoseok said quickly. Taehyung heard cracking as the Tree of Life began breaking apart.

" Seokjin has manipulated you and controlled you. Will you stay by his side? Or take your freedom with me? Break from the bounds of Eden?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook began throwing up. Hoseok quickly turned his attention back to Jungkook.

"Rid yourself of his influence." Taehyung stared at Jungkook, his eyes clouded over, and their blue disappeared. Evil had filled his color and red stared him back.

"J-Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

"You feel this Hoseok? This feeling... it's fear. Far from happiness isn't it? It's a new feeling." Taehyung spoke softly, stepping forward. "Admit yourself, grasp your freedom," Taehyung said.

Hoseok's eyes become red. He looked afraid.

Taehyung looked up at namjoon who stared at Taehyung.

"Were these always your intentions?" Namjoon asked calmly. Taehyung walked to Namjoon.

The aura was dark and evil, the Tree of Life that they stood in was being destroyed as they spoke. Taehyung sighed.

"Not quite... I just don't like being lied too." Taehyung said lowly. "And hoping... neither do you," Taehyung asked, he held out his hand

 Namjoon stared at his awaiting palm. Then blue eyes turned back to Taehyung calmly. Namjoon sighed.

"You're right," Namjoon said, he took Taehyung's hand, red washing over his gaze.

"I hate being lied too," Namjoon said. Taehyung smirked.

"Taehyung!" Jin yelled. Taehyung looked at Jin who held Yoongi by the neck. Taehyung tensed.

"What is it worth to you?" Jin asked. Taehyun stepped closer to him. Yoongi looked different with red eyes. In fact, Taehyung has never seen Yoongi look so hostile. Even so, fear laid underneath.

"Seokjin," Taehyung sighed, "what is it worth to you?" Tae stepped closer. "A few pat on the back by Lord you never have seen?" Taehyung asked he chuckled.

"At least I know my master. Do you know yours?" He asked. Jin tightened his grip on Yoongi's neck. Tae glared.

Even if he did care about Yoongi, he couldn't show that to jin. He couldn't show his weakness to obviously.

Tae smirked, he looked at Jin with cocky red eyes.

"You were right, Jin. About your prophecy... it was me all along." Taehyung smiled.

"No your wrong and you won't win." Jin hissed. His grip was so tight on Yoongi's neck that dark black veins rose on Yoongi's face near his jaws and lips. Taehyung didn't know how angels died, but he figured this was something like it would go.

"Who's going to stop me, Jin," Taehyung asked walking even closer as Jin looked up hastily seeing the big wall around Eden begin to break. Jin snapped back to Taehyung.

"I will. Even if it kills me." Jin spat. Taehyung shook his head and laughed.

"How are you supposed to stop me... when you've already fallen into darkness yourself?" Tae smirked. "Killing another angel...? that's not ver saint-defined of you." Taehyung said. Jin looked at Yoongi who faces only got more and more covered with dark veins. Jin gasped and released him.

Yoongi collapsed to the group, breathing heavily. Taehyung stepped cover to Jin.

"be who you really are, Seokjin," Taehyung whispered. He stared heavily into Jin's white eyes. Glaring red stared back.

Jin's eyes followed the rest and clouded over. Taehyung smiled. Taehyung walked around Jin who was still absorbing the new feeling of evil that just consumed him. Taehyung kneeled down beside Yoongi. Holding out his hand.

"Shall we?" Taehyung asked, a smirk on his lips as Yoongi took his hand and allowed Taehyung help him stand. Once steady on his feet Taehyung looked deeply into Yoongi's red gaze and looked away. 

Taehyung turned just as the pieces to barrier surroundings Eden broke and crumbled. Taehyung looked over the joyas Heaven that he as held from

"Follow me. Help me destroy what was kept from us!" Taehyung spat. As he looked over the red-eyed angels who followed his guide. He led them into paradise as they proceeded to destroy it


The Eden Garden | Taejin | Kim Taehyung | Kim Seokjin  ✔Where stories live. Discover now