Chapter 3 The Truth Untold

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"Yoongi?"Taehyung asked entering Yoongi's room. Yoongi looked up from his crafts. Woodworking, and unusual and ironic hobby Yoongi had.

"Yes?" Yoongi asked, his light soft voice radiating. It was soft but deep as well. It was calming.

"Can I talk with you?" Taehyung stepped deeper into his room. Yoongi nodded, setting his tools down and brushing off his hands. Taehyung sat down beside Yoongi carefully.

"I was talking with Jimin earlier, he tells me you were the first to arrive in Eden." Taehyung said. Yoongi gave a nod, tuffs of black hair falling above his eyes.

"That would be correct." Yoongi nodded. taehyung fiddled with the hem of his grey shirt.

"What was that like? being the first?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi looked at Taehyung, he had a thing for eye contact. Taehyung didn't like eye contact, it felt like too much of an intimate exchange.

"It was..well," Yoongi paused, "it was scary at first. Much like you, I was unfamiliar with my surroundings, and I was very afraid."

He said nodding.

"I found the Tree of life on my way to finding where I was. I was wasn't alone long, a few days later Seokjin come down." Yoongi explained. "He came with knowledge. He was meant to be an angel, he has seen and experienced more than us. A very respected angel." Yoongi spoke fondly of jin 

"Come with knowledge? What does that mean?" Taehyung pressed. He leaned a bit closer to Yoongi, eager to hear his words. Yoongi stared at Taehyung closely. Not use to having someone so... outgoing... close to him like this. Yoongi gulped down his nerves.

"Yoongi...?" Taehyung asked confused as to why he stopped talking. Yoongi blinked slightly and looked away for a small moment, then back as if nothing happened. He continues speaking.

"Seokjin is wiser than us all." Yoongi said quietly. Taehyung sighed.

"Yes, that's why Jimin said too. But in what way? what makes him so different?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi sighed, he hesitantly looked down the backup.

"I-I can't say...I can't say." Yoongi said reluctantly. Taehyung's hand fell on Yoongi's thigh.

"Tell me." Taehyung begged softly. Yoongi eyes widened. "please..." Taehyung asked. Yoongi looked down at the warm hand on his thigh the quickly back up to Taehyung's brown eyes.

It's been a long time since Yoongi has seen such soft brown eyes.

looking this close, Tae saw bits of Yoongi's dark blue in his eyes tint with a different color, it looked pink. Yoongi hesitated, he was silent Apart of him wanted to push Taehyung away, the other half didn't. Yoongi looked away and sighed.

"D-Don't tell him I told you this," Yoongi whispered, so quietly Tae could barely hear. Yoongi's innocent and soft features were twisted into paranoia.

"It stays between you and me.. I promise." Taehyung whispered.

Taehyung can see the reluctance on Yoongi's features. Yoongi leaned over to Taehyung's ear. So close Taehyung heard his breathing.

So afraid of being heard, Yoongi risked no chances, so close Taehyung felt his soft silk lips brush his ear. Taehyung became flustered but didn't dare to move away.

In whips of breath, Yoongi's quiet voice whispered.

"Seokjin was sent from Lord himself and is the only one of us to have gotten his wings." 

The Eden Garden | Taejin | Kim Taehyung | Kim Seokjin  ✔Where stories live. Discover now