The kids make father's day cards at school.
The teacher smiled widely at the group of six year olds. "Okay now everyone gets one peice of paper to write thier dad a father's day card." she cheered and so did most kids. Two kids, the twins of the class looked lost. THe teacher called on them and Sara started speaking. "What do you mean just one piece?" she asked and Rin beside her nodded his head and brought down his hand. "Well, your dad only gets one card." the teacher explains. "Yeah," a yellow haired kid grumbled, "one piece of paper for one dad." he explained sarcastically. Sara growled at the boy, much like her father. THe teacher gave her a scolding glare and she stopped. "I get that," RIn starts and holds up two fingers, "but i have two dads." he explained and a few kids gasp. The teacher assistances snorted a laugh and the teacher's face grew with embarrasement. "Oh im sorry, you guys can get two pieces." she explained and tried to quiet down some of the kids asking questions about the two dads.
After the card making, each kid was supposed to talk about about thier dad infront of the class. Each kid set and held thier breath for Sara and Rin's although. They were curious about the two dads. The teacher called up the two and Rin grabbed his paper. Sara ran over to the backback slot and grabbed out two action figures, one repressing thier father and the other their dad. RIn cleared his throat as Sara came bouncing up to him. "I want to talk about my dad and Pops." he started. Sara held out the action figure of Ground Zero with a big smile. "This is Papa!" she exclaimed and alot of kids gasped. "No way!" ONe kid yelled. "Ground Zero!" another shouted. Rin and Sara grew with pride from their pops recognition. The teacher shushed the kids and Rin started off talking about what his father did for work and then little facts about him. After that, Sara passed him to the other fidden figure and took the paper. RIn grabbed the figure and held it out. This one was one of Red Riot. More kids exclaimed and cheered. "This is Dad!" Sara cheered.
The two kids cheered as they saw thier dads walk into the class early. The two had just come back from a week long mission and they had been staying at Aunty Mina's. They had a plan to pick them up early for some father-daughter-son-father time. He knocked on the door before pushing it open. The office had just called the teacher to alert her of the situation and she welcomed the two in. Twenty heads snapped thier direction, even out of costume the kids recognized the pair. Rin and Sara ran up to the pair and Sara grabbed onto Katsuki's leg and Rin grabbed onto Eijiro's leg. NEither of them really budged at the new weight put on them but Eijiro chuckled quietly and ruffled Sara's blonde hair. Katsuki grinned at the boy and picked him. Eijiro did the same and turned to the teacher. "Sory for the intrusion, but we wanted to suprise them." He chuckled and Sara burried her face into Eijiro's shoulder, gigling at her father. Katsuki joined the two with little Rin. "Yeah, we just got back and havent seen these buggers for a week." he teased and ruffled Rin's black hair. The teacher nodded with a small smile on her lips. "I actually was going to call and apologize for something," she explained and Eijiro cocked an eyebrow. She huffed. "I accidently mentioned that only one kid get ones piece of paper for father day cards and didnt realise these two had two fathers." she explained as she did a small bow. Eijiro placed a grin on his face and shook his head. "Oh its alright, if you didnt mean to much harm then its all good." he accepted and she sighed. "Thank you very much." she rpelied than something in her head went off. A wide grin spread out of her face and she looked at the pair. "Hero day is coming up," she explained the the pair nodded htier heads. "Would you be able to come in for the kids, i mean they would love the 2nd and 4th hero to be here." she offered and Eijiro quickly becaem excited. He loved kids and interaction. He quickly agreed to it while Katuski muttered under this breath. Rin turned to look at his dad in the eyes. "Dad's doing it again isnt he?" he asked adn Katsuki only nodded. The both share a sigh and Rin lays his head down onto Katsuki's shoulder, while his father gently lays his head onto his son's.
They finally got home and the two kids hurrily pulled out the cards that they had made today. the pair loved them and even place them on the fridge. they took down last years and filed them in with the rest of the kid's drawings. they then set on the couch and relaxed and had pizza while watching a new show they were all interested in. this was a good father's day.
Happy fathers day, kinda late but i hope you liked it. Adn i realised that the last note mgiht have confused some people, this book is not completed. Well nto yet anyways. I have many more chapters im going to update on here so please keep reading if you like. Anyways i hope you all have a wonderful day. And thay safe.
PopRocks ~ KiriBaku One Shots
Fiksi PenggemarHi, welcome! My name is Rowan and i'll be serving your stories tonight. these are probably going to be very fluffy and maybe a little smutty, but i will say if anything along those lines happens. There will be different aus for each one shot, and i...