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I wanted to say something: I am NOT from England or America so I have no idea what the school systems looks like and how it works exactly. If you see something that isn't right, please tell me and sorry for that mistake. Also again sorry for the bad grammar.

x A.


I wake up at the sound of my alarm and I look at the time: 06:00. I sigh and grab my phone. I lay there for about 15 minutes just looking through my phone and then I finally get up. Walking to my dresser and grabbing a new jumper I bought a few days ago. It is dark blue and it has a small bird on the right top and then grabbing some black torn trousers and put them both on. I'm walking to my own new bathroom and brush my teeth. Fixing my hair really quick a then walk downstairs. When I walk into the living room I see my sisters already sitting there and probably gossiping about something. "Hi boobear, how did you sleep?" my mom asks as she walks into the living room. "Hi mom, I slept okay I guess." I say and walk to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I eat and drink my breakfast and before I know it it's already 07:15 "oh shit" I walk to the room where my sisters and mom are and say "mom we really need to go, otherwise I'm going to be late on my first day." While grabbing my bag. She looks at the time and then stands up fast. "oh yes sorry boo, I totally forgot the time" she says and we'll walk to the door. "Girls! don't forget to be on time for the bus!" my mom yells at my sisters before she closes the door and we walk over to the car.'

When we arrived at the school it was 07:26. Not weird because my mom drived so fast here. My first lesson starts at 7:30 so I was on luck boobear, I'll pick you up at 3." my mom tells me and kisses my cheek. I pull my face away really fast and look around if somebody saw it. I don't see anybody walking and turn to my mom. "Please mom, don't do that when I'm at school. I love you but just don't" I say and looked at my mom "okay okay I get it I'm sorry boo. Now get out of the car before you get late" I nodded and walked out of the car, I turn my head to her and say "bye mom, I love you" she smiles "I love you too boobear, see you later and good luck" she drives away and there I was. all alone. I begin walking to the school entrance and walk inside.

It's not so full of people then I thought it would be. I walk a little further when a girl walks over to me. "Hey! Are you Louis? The new student?" she asked me and smiles. I nod "yes that is me" she smiles at me and gives me some papers. I grab them from her as she begins to speak "these are your timetable, a route from the school and your locker number and code." I look at the stuff and see what I have for first period: French. That's okay I guess. "Thank you very much" I tell her and give her a small smile "Of course, no problem! My name is Eleanor by the way, we have math and English together" she smiles widely at me. It really freaks me out that she smiles so much at me. I smile awkwardly back at her and walk away.

I'm trying to find my locker but I just can't find it. I probably look so lost. "ow!" I hear and look up to see a boy standing in front of me. "oh my god, I am so so sorry" I say and look up at him. He is cute. Wait what? Why did I think that? I shrug it off and ask him "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?". He looks at me and smiles "oh no it's fine. You're new right?" he asks me. "Oh, uhm yes, I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson" I say and I reach out my hand "hi Louis, I'm Niall Horan. Nice to meet ya" he says as he shakes my hand. "You're lost?" he asks me. "Is it that obvious?" I groan and he begins to laugh. "I'm looking for my locker" I tell him. "I can help you, what locker do you have?" he asks as he smiles at me." Erm. Locker 28." I tell him and we begin to walk. "soo... what grade are you in?" he asked as we turn the corner. "oh, I'm in 10th grade, you?" "me too! Wait what class do you have next?" he asked excited. "French from," I look at the paper Eleanor gave me "Mr. Brown." "same, we can sit next to each other!" he said to me as we stop in front of a few lockers. I nod and look at the lockers and see my number 28. "Thank you for helping me" I say and open my locker to put some stuff in there. "Yea no problem mate! Let's go to class before we're late"

We're walking to class when I see a group of boys standing in a corner of the hall. But one of them catches my eyes. He had beautiful green eyes and brown curly hair. His body is full of tattoos but I like them. Wow. He is hot. Oh my god I really need to stop thinking like this. I'm straight. I like girl. But that boy- "oh, don't even think about it mate" Niall says as he sees me looking at the boy. "Wha- What do you mean?" "Those guys aren't the types of guys you want to be friends with" he tells me and I look away from the boy. I decided to not mention it again and drop it. When we finally made it to the classroom there we're a few people already sitting there. I followed Niall who sat in a chair back in the classroom and I sat next to him. The class became fuller and fuller and I began to feel nervous. "Hey mate, I can see you're stressing. Are you alright?" Niall asks me with a worried face. I look at him. "yeah I guess, I'm just. I don't know" I say and take a deep breath. Right at that moment the teacher walks in. He put his bag away and makes eye contact with me. He begins to walks over to me "hello, you're the new student? What's your name?" he says and the whole class turns their heads to looks at me. I feel my face getting red. "Y-yeah I am Louis Tomlinson... hi" I stutter and feel my face becoming even redder if that is even possible. "Well louis, welcome to this school. I hope you will feel comfortable here." And he smiles at me. The lesson begins and before I know it, I hear a loud ring. "Well that wasn't so bad was it?" Niall asks me. "No, It was okay but the first few minutes..." I make a face and Niall laughs "Yeah well at least we have a break now. Will you sit with me and my friends?" He looks at me. "Erm... if they want to, I mean I don't want to bother you guys." I tell him honestly. "What? No! they'll love ya!"

We walk into the cafeteria and the first thing that catches my eyes is that group from earlier with that curly headed boy. They are sitting at a table while talking to each other. Niall and I walk past them and while doing that I look at the boy with the beautiful green eyes again. But this time he is also looking at me. I quickly look away but in the corner of my eye I see him still looking at me. "Hey Niall! Who's that?" I hear someone scream and stop concentrating on the green eyed boy with the beautiful tattoos and turn my head to where that voice came from. I look at the boy who said Nialls name and see him sitting at a table. He has brown hair. He sists there with 1 other boy and 2 other girls "Hey Guys! This is Louis, he is new here." Niall tells them and I look at the people at the table. "Hi" I say awkwardly. "Hey I'm Liam" The boy with the brown hair says and gives me a warm smile. "And this is Julia" he points to a girl with dark dark blond hair who smiles at me and says a quiet 'hi'. "This is Michael" he points then at a boy with fluffy light blond hair. "and this," he wraps a arm around a girl with dark brown hair. "this is Maya" and he smiles at her. Niall groans "If you didn't already guess, Maya and Liam are dating." niall says and sits down next to Julia. He smiles at her and I can see her blush. Heh, cute. I sit next to Niall and Michael and grab my food. We're talking about all kinds of things but mostly about me, just getting to know me and stuff. When the bell goes we separate because I have English now. And the rest of them has other subjects. i say my goodbyes to them and begin to walk away.

I'm searching for the right classroom when someone bumps into me. "im sorry-" I say when I look up and see the green eyed boy standing in front of me.

Sorry if there are mistakes in this chapter. 
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x A.

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