The Danger-Zone

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Skywarp flew in and warped around as he blasted at several ships, of course he had help. "Keep goin' Ahsoka! We're takin' them down!" Ahsoka smirked, "Whatever you say Skyguy!" He giggled and kept firing where she was aiming, "YEEEEHAW!" Optimus smiled "Keep at it Skywarp!" Ahsoka aimed and gasped as she saw the Anakin's ship and a few others appear, "Anakin..." Skywarp scanned, "I'll be damned...Backup arrived..." He flew faster as enemy TIEs locked on them. Skywarp teleported to the ground and flew to the base firing at Paradooms and Arachnids, "TAKE THIS SCRAP FOR BRAINS!" Ahsoka smirked, "YEAHHH!" Skywarp almost got hit as Ahsoka looked out the Cockpit, "Damn! More Evil Autobots!" Skywarp started to do some evasive maneuvers, "They'll have to catch up with us!" He flipped and flew up towards the Star Destroyers as he fired at the underbelly of one. The ship started blowing up as he spun and kept firing, "YEEEAAAAAAH!" Ahsoka covered her eyes as Skywarp rocketed out through the top and flew towards the Venators coming in to help them.

Anakin rose a brow as Skywarp warped to them and flew around the ships. The enemy fighters were only focused on him, "Can someone tell me why they're chasing that one jet?" Wheeljack walked over and saw Skywarp teleport behind the fighters and take 4 out, "Skywarp! Yeah!" Anakin rose a brow, "One of you?" Wheeljack nodded as Anakin turned to the Commander, "Get the drop ships and fighters ready. We need to help him." He nodded as Anakin ran to his fighter with Rex, Fives, Rey, Ben, and Tony. Stark flew out as he started blasting at all the enemy seekers coming in. Anakin and R2 got into their fighter as they took off with the others and helped Skywarp out. "Skywarp, try spinning!" Ahsoka shouted as Skywarp flew up and started spinning. Several missiles missed them, "Woah! That's a good trick!" She nodded, "Master Skywalker taught me." Skywarp flew down and joined up with the others as Anakin called him, "This is where the fun begins right Snips?" She smiled "C'mon Skyguy. We're over 50 ahead of you." He smirked, "Not for long." He started taking down enemy drop ships and fighters as Skywarp teleported around and took more down with Ahsoka.

Rex and the others made it to the base as they ran inside. Gamora looked at them and ran, "Follow me!" Rex and Fives grabbed their blasters as they ran with her to the main Bridge and saw Soundwave standing with Cody, "Excellent timing brothers! C'mon. We need to get this message to the fleet!" Fives walked over and pressed some buttons as he looked at Data, "Bounce the signal off of our ship." Data nodded, "Great thinking sir." He pressed a button and the signal started sending.

Bruce nodded and looked at Sisko, "Captain. They found it." He nodded "Maximum Warp Mr. Wayne." Batman nodded as the Defiant warped out. Picard drank some tea and then got the message. He hurried to the bridge, "Ensign Crusher, lay in a course to these coordinates." Wesley nodded and typed, "Aye sir." Picard nodded, "Maximum Warp." Riker looked at Picard, "They found it?" He nodded as the Enterprise-D warped towards Earth-Prime. Peter stood with Bly and Aayla as Bly looked at the radar, "Sirs, we have an urgent transmission. Earth-Prime." Peter nodded, "Lay in a course Commander," Aayla said. Bly nodded as their ships went into lightspeed. Peter looked down at his photo of him and Wanda, "I'll see you soon honey bunny."

In the deepest, darkest spot of the multiverse... The Slayer walked away from some Barons as he looked up. "They have found the Unmaykr. The Crucible is near the Earth too," Vega said. The Slayer pressed a button on his arm as he walked through a Portal and appeared on his Fortress of Doom. Pressing some buttons and imputing some energon, the SLayer finished and Hayden spoke, "You can't just teleport your entire fortress to the center of the multiverse!" Doomguy didn't care. He pulled a lever as his fortress started to teleport for the final sin....

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