Chapter 14

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I stared at him with wide eyes. His words kept echoing in my head. I couldn't help but stand up and screech. "You knew my mother?"

Headmaster Roberts smiled. "I did. Several years ago."

Hope spread throughout my body. This was the first hint of her whereabouts ever since I left my home several years ago. "Do you know where she is?"

His smile disappeared. "No, I don't. She disappeared several decades ago. It was a shock when I started to get visions of you who look so much like her."

My hope disappeared, leaving behind sadness. "Oh. Can you at least tell me her name?"

"Her name is Rose. Rose Lyrica." Headmaster said with a small smile. His eyes were unfocused as if he was reminiscing. "We have been friends for a long time." His blue eyes latched onto mine. "Know that she must have a good reason to why she left you. I know her. She wouldn't abandon you if it wasn't important."

I smiled. Happiness filled me. I was glad that I looked more like her than my sorry excuse of a father, but more questions rose. What was so important that she disappeared? I knew that I would find the answers to my questions later, but one question about earlier nagged at me. "Changing the subject, why haven't you told Prince Gabriel and the others about the truth?"

Roberts sighed heavily. "There are very powerful people who don't want them to know the truth, and if they do find out before the right time, these people will try to kill them. It doesn't matter if Gabriel is the prince or even the king. They will try to keep the real past a secret no matter what."

I arched an eyebrow. "And when is the right time to tell them?"

Headmaster Roberts gave me a sly smile. "When you have full trust in them. It's up to you because all of this is related to you."

I crossed my arms and frowned. "Why is it related to me?"

"Because you are special," he said before standing up. "I think that they have waited enough. The Academy can be a dangerous place, Sang, but remember, you have my help though it may be limited."

I smiled. "Thank you, Headmaster Roberts."

A warm smile spread on his face. "Call me Phil when we're alone. Headmaster Roberts sounds so stuffy, and I can't help but feel as if you're my own daughter."

I laughed as he went to open the door to reveal fifteen- well fourteen anxious faces and one emotionless face. Gabriel looked at Headmaster Roberts before his crystal blue eyes looked at me. "So?"

I tilted my head. "So what?"

He pouted slightly. "So what did you guys talk about?"

I shrugged, looking at my nails. I forgot about him and searched my dimensional space for a nail filer. "Stuff."

I heard Headmaster Roberts chuckle. "She's stubborn. I was talking about how being the only female Pink rank may be hard, but that she has help. Your school outfit and schedule will be ready later today. She'll start school tomorrow."

I looked up as he left, leaving me with Prince Gabriel and his Protectors. I wonder why I have to fully trust them to tell them the truth, but if that was what was needed for me to tell them, I have to start talking to them. "I'm wondering, can I leave the palace anytime I want?"

Gabriel looked at the others before taking a seat at the table. "You can. I don't want to think that you can't leave my side."

Nodding, I looked at them. I already know what their shifter's names and race were. I have seen Marc's full form, but I also wondered what their half and full forms look like. "Can I see your other forms?"

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