Chapter 17

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I looked at the group of strangers who had appeared. At first glance, I noticed that they were gold level since their ties were that color. The second thing I noticed is that they seemed to carry themselves a bit differently than the other nobles in this Academy. They had watchful eyes of those who came close and were always wary.

At second glance, I noticed the men who spoke, and, wow, they were handsome. They seemed a bit rougher than Gabriel and his family but no less attractive. The male in front was tall. He looked like a model in one of Marie's magazines. His eyes were big and slightly pointed up.

To his right were two men. The first one was one that I would say was a nerdling like Kota. He had short cropped, brown hair with copper highlights, and he was also tall. His eyes were a very nice green, and his face was clean shaven, giving him a boy-next-door vibe. His skin had a gorgeous tan as if he'd spent a lot of time outside. He seemed to carry himself in a happy way with a touch of nervousnesss. He smiled, showing perfect white teeth as the crest of his cheekbones tinted.

The man behind the cute one was someone his exact opposite. He had thick brown hair, cropped short but left a little long in the front near his face so he had a little bit sticking up. Blue eyes, a couple of days' worth of unshaven growth around his strong chin. Underneath his white shirt, I could see tattoos that inked his skin which twirled up onto his neck. He had an air of confidence around him.

To his left of the main guy were two men. The first man was captivating with his mismatching eyes. One of his eyes was cool blue-purple almost like a mauve, and his other eye was an azure blue. His wheat blonde hair flowed over his left shoulder which was lightly tied with a ribbon. It was soft-looking but not as soft-looking as Nathan's. He was leaner than the others but had an intelligent look in his eyes.

The man behind him had pale skin almost white. His hair was a dark black which shined amber and blue in the sunlight. He was smaller than the others in both height and muscles. His slanted eyes were a dark brown that held a cool seriousness. It wasn't as blank as Mr. Blackbourne's but it was a seriousness that meant no nonsense.

"So you guys are close to Gabriel and the others?" I asked them.

The first man with short blonde hair spoke. "Kind of. I'm Aiden, the crown prince of the kingdom of Eldian."

Eldian was a kingdom that bordered us to the south. It consisted of most of the land next to the sea. That kingdom has a large army and natural resources that made Arcadia thankful to have this kingdom as an ally.

I stared at him. "What kind of shifter are you?"

He smiled as his eyes flashed a bright blue-silver. "I'm a Pegasus."

"Name's Reo, sweet pea." The nerdling smiled, becoming a deep yet rich blue. "I'm a Kraken."

The dark-haired man spoke next. His eyes became a orange color. "I'm Noah, a devil."

I nodded at him as the man with long hair smiled gently. "I'm Mason."

And finally the last person of that group spoke. "I'm Haru, a kitsune."

I smiled, before looking at Mason. He didn't state what type of shifter he was, yet he gave off a faint scent similar to one of my guys. I turned to Raven and smiled. "Hey, Raven, it's your twin."

Mason smile brightened. "You know what I am?"

I looked at Victor. "Why do you guys keep saying that?"

Victor seemed confused before laughing at the question he asked me when I discovered he was a devil. "That's because it's a bit difficult to differentiate what a shifter's form is. Most of the time, a person's other form is not based on their ethnicity or certain descriptions."

"Ah!" I exclaimed as I nodded before turning back to Mason.

He looked at me with a searching look. "Who you? Koln, my wyvern, is telling me that you seem similar."

The five looked at me in anticipation. I smiled. "I'm Sang Armani, and I'm a bat."

Aiden was the one to speak. "A bat? But you're a pink rank."

I shrugged. "I have a lot of power."

Mason nodded. "I thought you were like me." His eyes lit up and looked at Raven in a knowing look before looking at me. "Are you fruit bat?"

Raven sighed sadly. "Sadly, she isn't. It's a shame."

North growled. "No it isn't. Now go away and play with your twin."

Raven laughed, lunging at North, catching him around the neck, and swooped in, pecking him on the cheek. "You are jealous of my twin. Don't worry, South, I'll always love you."

North wrestled away from him, scowling and scrubbing his cheek. "Keep get your nasty lips away from my face, Robin."

Raven shrugged. "Whatnever. They're hotter guys than you. Like Reo."

I giggled as Reo shivered in fake disgust while taking a step away. But what made it more interesting was the look on a certain mer that screamed of unsaid love at the smiling wyvern.

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