II - Detention

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Falling past the glass, made the scenery seem ethereal.
The detention room was cold, and had a strong scent of alcohol wafting in the air.
Not the type you drink at bars, but rather the type commonly found in hand sanitizers.

Sakusa was the source of this sickening smell.
He had drenched the desk he sat at with hand sanitizer, even went as far as rubbing down his chair with dis-infecting wipes.
An unfamiliar face sat at the teacher's desk, probably a substitute who was forced into watching undisciplined students sit in a mostly empty classroom after school.

This would've all been a rather enjoyable experience, being able to sit in peace and quiet and do nothing at all, but of course
Mrs. Watanabe had other plans.
She had ordered all the kids sent to detention to write an essay on how they would fix their "unacceptable" behavior.
1000 word essay.
You sighed, staring at the blank paper in front of you.
Sakusa Kiyoomi sat next to you, his mask still covering his face, and his furrowed eyebrows showing his clear irritation towards the task at hand.
He hadn't even touched the pen the teacher had set down at his desk. A look of pure horror was plastered across his face.

"Too many germs, that nasty women probably never washes her hands..."
Sakusa thought, his negativity was driving him insane.
He sure was the pessimistic type.
You on the other hand, was dreamily staring out the window, observing the clear blue sky.
you jumped at the sound of a low whisper coming from beside you.
"Not this idiot again." you thought, ignoring the voice.
It was very clearly Sakusa.
"S-T-A-L-K-E-R C-H-I-C-K, do not ignore me." Sakusa ordered through gritted teeth.
He refrained from touching you, as he scooted as far away from you as he could, afraid that you might attack.
"Listen here pretty boy, I'm not responding to a guy who keeps calling me a stalker." you whispered back, refusing to make eye contact.

Sakusa's jaw dropped, he frowned in frustration.

"I know I'm pretty, n-o-w l-i-s-t-e-n to me."
He aggressively whispered.

"Hmph!" you stuck your nose in the air like a cocky cartoon character. Your stubbornness stopped you from paying any attention to Sakusa's desperate cry for help.

"Stalker-San! Do NOT ignore me."

"What do you want?!"

"Hold this pen for me while I pour hand sanitizer on it." Sakusa pleaded.

"I seriously can't believe you."

"I didn't say anything unbelievable, now hold it you idiot." His tone was now threatening.

Sighing in annoyance, you grabbed the pen from his desk, and lightly held it by the tip.
Sakusa grabbed his hand sanitizer and aggressively squeezed the bottle.
You cringed as you felt the cold liquid drip down your skin.

"I'm done, take your stupid pen." you tossed the utensil over to Sakusa.
He dodged it, letting it hit the desk.

"Now use that extra hand sanitizer to clean your dirty hands. Consider it a gift from me." He replied, he looked quite pleased with himself.
As if he had just done charity work for you.
In a teasing manner, you stuck your tongue out, then rested your chin on your desk.
It didn't help that your eyelids still felt like heavy weights, just begging to be slammed shut.
But sleeping was forbidden in detention.
That was a no-brainer.
You hadn't noticed, Sakusa's curious yet disgusted eyes observing you.
He found you a very complex creature, one he would never be able to understand.

"Don't socialize with the stalker, noted." Sakusa mentally recorded.

"Sakusa-Kun!" A cheerful voice yoo-hooed to Kiyoomi.
The volleyball player, turned to look at a smiley face standing at the door-way.

"Oi, stuck in detention eh?" An enthusiastic male, with bright hair asked.

"Komori..." Sakusa exhaled, frowning at his cousin.

"SCAT! This is detention, not pick-up-a-friend." The teacher scolded.

Motoya Komori waved apologetically, as he hurried down the hall.
"His cousin sure is the exact opposite of him."
you concluded, still lazily staring at the paper in front of you.


You trudged under the streetlights. The warm night air blew past your legs, making you shiver.
"Someone looks cold." A monotone voice called from behind you.
Turning around, you groaned at the tall male accompanying you.
Frankly, that obviously wasn't his intention, Sakusa was clearly just taking the same path home.

"And what about it?" you snapped, clutching the strap of your backpack.

"Must you always be so..." he hesitated. "Tiresome?"
His insulting question infuriated you, but you didn't have the energy to argue with him.
"Not that I care anyways. Freeze to death, beats me." Sakusa said in an unbothered tone.

"How kind." A smile spread across your face.
Despite being such a bore, Sakusa's witty remarks were quite entertaining to listen to.
"Well..?" you asked, staring at Sakusa expectantly.
The confused male glanced at you, cocking his head to the side.
"Do something about it." you ordered.
"About what?"
"You mentioned me being cold."
"Give me a jacket or something."
"Absolutely not."
You frowned.
"Well my well-being obviously concerns you if you happened to notice how I was shivering." you teased, it was quite obvious that your remarks were making Sakusa uncomfortable.
He stiffened his posture and scoffed.
"I would rather die."

Offended, you reached for Sakusa's mask, in an attempt to rip it off.
Unfortunately that triggered Sakusa's fight or flight signal, and he quickly flared his arms around, trying to shoo you away like a insect.
Laughing at the top of your lungs, you lunged towards him again. He managed to duck, a petrified look in his eyes.

Without warning, you felt the bottom of your shoe slip, as you fell in a rather cliché manner onto Sakusa.
Time slowed down, as Sakusa's muffled shrieks echoed through your ears.

Your eyes widened, and you cheeks turned bright pink the moment you were able to regain your senses.

Both of you stood in a rather awkward position, the volleyball player, arching his back, while grabbing onto your arms, preventing you both from falling on the hard concrete ground.

But of course,

That wasn't the issue.

The issue was when Sakusa's lips met yours.

The only thing in the way, was that damn mask.

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