Chapter 15: Restoration?

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Raito: "W-wh-at H-hap-pened...?"

Chifuyu: "Do you not remember what happened?"

Raito: "N-n-o..."

Raito: "What happened?"


Raito was shaking as Cecilia ran to him and hugged him, as she calmed him down...

Raito: "What happened to me, Cecilia?"

Cecilia: "I'm not sure, we need to get back to the class and call your parents to understand what's happening..."

Raito was shaking in Cecilia's grip as he slowly slowed down and everyone saw that he was in stasis too...

Chifuyu: "I've called You're father and Izu, they will come and visit, fortunately, they have devised a way to solve the problem with you're Driver, so you will need tow it a bit..."

Cecilia: "I see..."

Chifuyu: "In the meantime, Cecilia you will stay with him until he recovers..."

Cecilia: "Understood!"

Moments later Cecilia would accompany Raito in the infirmary for his recovery as she comforted him...

As everyone was continuing their day...

An explosion happened outside the facility!

A Rogue I.S. breached through the defenses and began to use missiles and lasers to wreck everything!

Ichika and the others used their Personal I.S. and Aoi alongside Shiro and Taiga transformed into their Rider Forms..!

The Rogue I.S. rampaged through the arena with various weapons wreaking havoc!

Raito was still in stasis and Cecilia was in her I.S. Uniform ready to deploy her I.S.!

The I.S. continued to wreak havoc demolishing classrooms and facilities as it glowed dark red with black highlights...

The Rogue I.S. then finally located Raito and Cecilia's location in the infirmary as the Automated Android went and crashed into the infirmary!

Cecilia summoned her I.S. Blue Tears and began to use her rifle and shot it!

The Rogue mecha flew and crashed through the walls and landed on its back and twitched as it slowly stood up seeing that it is surrounded by multiple Personal I.S. users...

Ichika piloting Byakukishi...

Laura Piloting her Schwarzer Regen

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Laura Piloting her Schwarzer Regen...

Laura Piloting her Schwarzer Regen

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