A song of Winter

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The wind threaded gently through the long hair that brushed past the shoulders of the woman seated gracefully on her Anmon.  The light rays of the sun seemed to give her hair a polished sheen making it take on the color of a midnight sky.

She let her fingers graze the three strings attached to the wooden box. The banjo was finely polished with colored flowers scattered all across its wooden body. Strumming a tune, she hummed along to the calming sounds it emitted, her eyes were closed as she swayed along with the tune as if being tossed by the wind.

Even her Anmon closed its eye to enjoy the sweet music.

Her fingers seemed to produce sparks as they came in contact with the strings. With each step the Anmon took, the dead grass began to take on a green hue as flower buds began to take the place of wilted flowers. The trees seemed to glow, if one looked closely, it seemed as if the trees bent a little towards Fatii as if to say ,'Thank you.'

The forest became even more quiet, almost as if nature also wanted to hear the melodious tune the woman created.

She recalled the days of the past where she had first known love. She had forever stowed away the pleasant memories that had never failed to make her heart flutter like the wings a butterfly. He was a dream come true, if only the dream had lasted a little longer. He had always made sure she was always happy by telling her stories that had often made her laugh. He was the only support system she had that kept her from losing her sanity.

It was nightfall; the birds had stopped singing and had handed over to the crickets to begin their song. The light rushes of a waterfall could be heard in the distance and the gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the bamboo trees. Fatii had decided not to take her Anmon that night. All she wanted was to get away from town politics for a while and the most important of all; she wanted to see 'him'. She hummed the song she had heard a nursing mother sing to her child while she had been inspecting the maternal homes. She made a mental note to play it on her Banjo when she got back.

She paused in her step to inhale the fresh air. There was just something about the night air that she found intoxicating.

Red eyes watched her close her eyes and they drew closer towards her, its padded feet making no noise, by the time Fatii turned in the creature's direction, it was too late.

It lunged at her thereby throwing her off balance and she landed on the ground hard. Pain spread along her spinal cord. She closed her eyes in pain and opened them to take a look at the creature that had bulldozed her, it was a chimera. It hadn't grown to full size yet, but it was big enough to inflict a lot of pain and possibly kill her.Sliva dripped down the mouth of the creature unto her face as it had placed a paw on her chest blocking her airway. She tried pushing it back but all her efforts were futile. She struggled to breathe and it grew increasingly difficult for her. Tears had gathered in her eyes, as she kept trying to gulp air through her mouth and at the same time hitting the huge leg that crushed her lungs.

Just as she was about to give up, the chimera was pulled away from her forcefully and a loud thud followed as the body of the chimera hit something really hard which caused the creature to roar in pain.. She tried to sit up to see who her savior was but she had been deprived of oxygen for long. Her eyes lolled back into her head and she fell back to the ground losing consciousness.

Fatii smiled to herself, she still couldn't believe she had let that creature take advantage of her then. She might have been young but there was one thing she definitely didn't lack, and that was power.

The day she finally came to consciousness, she was on a bed with a warm clothe pressed to her chest. She also finally got a good look at her savior. He was something the humans would call rugged and handsome, he wasn't just handsome, he was ruggedly handsome. She reached out to stroke his cheek just to make sure he was real and she wasnt hallucinating.

"Are you real?" she asked. Her eyes couldn't seem to leave his.

"As real as can be." He had replied, smiling down at her. "Why didn't you take your Anmon, you could have died Fatii." He reprimanded her softly.

"I just wanted to see you again." She replied.

"At the expense of your life? I want to be able to see you for the rest of my darned life, so promise me you'll stay alive." He said holding her hand as he looked into her eyes .

"I promise."

He had kissed her like it was the last time he would ever see her then. But the son of a troll broke his promise. Anger swept through her entire being, as angry tears fell from her eyes. She payed no heed to the distant voice calling her.

"Fatii!" She recognized the voice as that of her Anmon.

She blinks away the red haze that had clouded her mind.

She finds herself on the floor in the arms of her anmon.

"Where are we?" She looked around her and saw that the trees were looking rather rotten and decayed.

She looked up at the face of her Anmon who had now morphed into his true form. He was what you would call a beautiful half angel half demon. He retracted his fingers from her forehead as Fatii stood up slowly.

"Did I do this?" she asked, sadness coating her voice. She held her Banjo closer to her bosom.

"Unfortunately yes, you were playing a very beautiful tune then all of a sudden you turned into a freaking witch of the west! Which you already are anyway." He said jokingly causing Fatii to punch him.

"Hey! I was just joking."

Tears that had the color of obsidian slid down her cheeks, the few that fell to the ground had turned into rock hard onyx and at the same time were they landed had become green and bore flowers, the green continued to spread until the trees began to come back to life.

Fatii crying looked off due to her build, she was a feared warrior and seeing her this way made the Anmon feel sad for her.

"You never cease to amaze me warrior." He said smiling. "There's one more thing..."

She had learned to trust her Anmon. He had always been there for her, offering her good advice. He was one amongst the very few that could actually morph into their true form. The Anmonn of the other kingdoms had been trained almost like dogs to do whatever they were commanded to do. Often times, their minds couldn't take the whole process of the conversion, due to the pains and the toll it takes on their angelic side, most anmons end up letting their demon counterparts take over.

The Anmons were very huge creatures, towering over 7ft in human form and 6ft in beast form. Most people do not know what caused the entanglement of angels and demons, and the ancient anmons were not ready to divulge their history.

"You need to forget about him,I'm sure all that's on his mind right now are the different ways he could kill you. He's not worth it. I'm also sure you don't want to slip further into winter."

"No! I don't. Thank you...for everything Dahariel." Fatii said, looking into his sapphire colored eyes.

He pulls her into a hug and they stayed that way for a while before pulling away.

"You're ever welcome." He muttered and morphed back into his beast form.

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