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Twas a dark lonely night and the clouds were rid of their silver linings. Staggering across the silent road was the figure of an old man hunched over a wooden staff.
It seemed to him that he had reached his destination and weakness overpowered him as he fell to the grassy ground and darkness filled with screaming silence overcame his mind.

From his vantage point Femi could see the children playing at the foot of the hill in silence.  Grief had visited every household in Shamana, the hometown of strong philosophers and wise men.  The news of Ba Oye 's death struck the strings of sad emotion in every being living in Shamana. Even children were not seen playing outside their houses except those too young to understand.
Femi in his own private estate of mind wondered how Ba Oye could leave him when he was needed the most in the village.
"of course the aging tortoise felt his trickery was needed."
"why? " he shouted.
The children at the base of the hill looked up to see who interrupted their playful silence.
" Brother,  come down, do u want to die also? " shashà the eldest among the set of children  inquired of Femi.
Femi knew there was an underlying message in what shashà had said. 
Femi signaled shashà to see him later.  "What have I done? " shashà said agitated not knowing what would happen next.

Layo a beautiful girl waited for her lover to come home. It was getting dark and she was getting restless. She then decided to go over her thoughts. She remembers the news of her father's death, it had shocked her to the  core,  although she wasn't a fond of her father and displaying her emotions, his death made her to. She misses him even though he wasn't always there when she needed him ,she couldn't help but cry. First her mother had been taken away from her by an unknown illness, now her father.

Unknown to her, her lover was watching her from the door post. He studied her features and the sign of distress was evident on her pretty face. The urge to move closer and comfort over took him but he restrained himself seeing that she needed more time to herself and her showing her emotions was rare.

Femi decided to take look at the house he had built by himself with his own hands. One could not call it perfection but it served its purpose. The walls were the color of mud. But to give it a little beauty intricate designs were carved all over the walls. Some depicted stories if wars, some showing animals. But Femi's favorite was on the wall directly opposite to the door, there a tree of which the branches; each supporting an animal surrounded in swirls and circles and at the top of a tree sat a man his legs crossed over each other, his face made him look like he was meditating. It gave the tree an aura of peace.
Femi seeing that it was time to approach Layo, took a step closer to her.

"Layo." Femi said. Seeing that she did not reply, he called her again  this time touching her shoulder.
She flinched at his touch, seeing his face she smiled.
"Oh, it's even you Femi, I thought it was someone else" she said.

"How are you?"
Femi sighed at this question and sat down on the bed beside Layo.
"The truth is I'm not fine at all. Your father's leaving us is something that makes me sad, how am o supposed to handle all the responsibilities"
"My love, don't be so sad, my father  is a cunning man I agree, but there  is no how he wouldn't have left some clues behind for you."


Seka looked through the holes Made for eyes on his mask at the world. Satisfaction reflected in his dark orbs, his lips stretched into a smirk on his scarred face beneath the mask.
His job was done. It was left to Dani to decide what was the next step was. He walks  from the mouth of the cave embedded in the jagged plains of the mountain and takes a seat on his favorite spot at the center of the cave,his legs crossed over each other in such a way that he was facing Dina.
" The people are not at ease.  They do not trust the boy. They feel he is too inexperienced. This is the best time to strike!"

"No!" Dina cut Seka off. "It is not wise for a tiger to strike a lion because it thinks he's weak. Let's watch and see what would happen next."

Seka never failed to wince at Dina's voice. It was like a thousand fingernails scratching a board.

He did not believe that it was wise to watch and see in Dina's words, they were meant to strike now.

Chills ran down Seka's back from that single word.


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