I Do

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"I've been waiting all my life for this moment." A british male standing, 6ft tall said looking deeply into the eyes of his bride, holding her hands, it was a dream come true.

It seemed as if both of them were in their own separate worlds as hankys dabbed both wet and dry eyes.
The wedding venue was what one would call a place nature birthed herself. A huge waterfall loomed in the background and flowers of al types beautified the grass.

"So have I." said the beautiful bride, her eyes glazing over. She couldn't believe she had bagged a hotshot to be her husband. He was handsomer than ever.
"Do you promise to love and to cherish him in sickness and in health?" said the priest.
She looked to her man smiling, as she was about to say I do, she noticed, he had suddenly developed rashes all over his skin, his face was a dark shade of red now. She quickly removed her hand from his grasp. The roars of the waterfall seemed to grow louder and the wind blew hard at the the decorations.

"You traitor, what's the big deal in saying I do?" Her husband to be grabbed her arm preventing her attempts at escaping, his skin had began to flake.

"No!no! Leave me alone" he turned deaf ears to her cries as he drew her closer to him.

" You will say, I do." He breathed in her face, saliva flying.

Tears had begun to run down the bride's face.

"No! I said no!" she screamed and slammed her bouquet of flowers into his face

Then water from no where poured down heavily on her
"Help!" she said gasping for help. She kept breathing heavily.
"It's a dream, its all a dream." a woman of about 28 jerked awake, she felt her body and saw she was drenched with sweat.

"I'm not getting married, I'm here, in my nice little apartment." She chanted to her self, taking ragged breaths. She reached for her bedside and turned on the lamp, sat up ad wore her flip flops and headed to her bathroom.
She dabbed her face with warm water and looked at herself in the mirror.
Her eyes had dark circles around them and she looked pale.
"Regina! Turn off the lights dammit!" a voice called from the room.
"I will, just give me a minute..." regina replied.
She had been having the same night mare for 2 months straight now. The strange thing was that, she didn't recognize any of the characters in her dream.
Sleeping had become one of the things she had began to dress looking forward to. Either she had a nightmare or she had a nightmare.

" I need to see Anita." She said pinching the bringe of her nose.
"a minute has passed regina! I'm trying to get a shut eye here!" the voice called again.

Regina didn't bother replying. She went to her wardrobe and picked a pair of three quarter camo shorts a tank top and a green leather jacket. She dressed up pretty fast and picked up tote bag.
"Regina! Don't make me get up."

"Make sure you turn off the lights when you do'" Regina replied shutting the door behind her.

"I'll have my revenge soon! Reg!"

Her boots crunched the gravel as she took long strides towards the medical center close to her base.
The medical center was huge and it wasn't just a medical center but a research center also. regina knew deep down that they would have answers to what had been troubling her.

She took a deep breath, hand in pocket as she walked through the revolving doors.

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