Beach day

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Fiona's POV

It's been a week since the death of Asher and Zero, everyone was still sad after the funeral. Even Snow couldn't get in a good enough mood to cheer everyone up. River was upset that his only family is gone and I miss my big brother. Spade has been twitching and pulling himself apart.

"For the love of rainbow cheese!" We all jumped when Snow yelled. "I can't do this anymore!" Snow stood up and vanished. She soon reappeared with some bags and she was wearing a batman bikini. "We are going to the beach and getting fat on all these cakes I got from my bakery." I looked around at everyone then stood up.

"I'm not sure what is going on but I agree with Snow." Michael said while smiling, his pale lifeless green eyes looked around the room.

"Okay, let me go get my swimsuit." I smiled, then took off to change. I patted Snow's head on the way to my room. "Only you could change the mood." Snow just giggled.

"It's my job now go get your swimsuit." Snow smacked my butt causing me to giggle.

After we were all packed in the cars, we headed towards the lake. Me, Michael, Spade, and Crystal were in one car and Angel, River, Skye, and Snow were in the other.

"Remind me again why we let Snow plan things?" Crystal asked, we all shrugged.

"Let's put on the radio." I clicked a but on the radio without looking away from the road. Soon the car was filled with music, awful singing, and laughter.

"So glad someone pulled us out of that, besides, I don't think Zero and Asher would want us pouting." Crystal yelled over the music.

"True, my brother hated when we were upset and Zero would try his hardest to cheer everyone up." I said with a faint smile.

At the beach, everyone ran into the water yelling nonsense. I just rolled my eyes and laid down my blanket.

"You're not going in?" Michael asked while holding out a pair of sunglasses for me.

"Not yet, maybe in a minute." I took the sunglasses and put them on. "You can go if you want, I don't mind being alone." Michael shook his head and sat down next to me.

"Nobody should be alone." Michael said, he was staring at the water still can't believe he is blind now. I watched Michael through the sunglasses. "I just realized something," I looked away when Michael turned his gaze towards me, I don't know why since he can't see me. "Snow's father has vacation spots all over the world, we should go on a vacation and stay at one of his beach houses." I nodded then dug in my bag for my phone.

"What beach should we stay at? I asked, Michael thought for a second.

"I been to the beach house in Destin Florida and it's beautiful. A great view of the sunset from the balcony." Michael smiled truthfully for once, I blushed a little at how handsome he looks. It doesn't help that he was wearing only dark blue swim trunks. I shook my head and went back to doing research.

"Wow, the beach is really pretty in Florida prettier than this one here in Galveston. We should ask the others if it's fine so Snow can ask her dad." Michael nodded and got up, he held his hand out for me.

"Let's go, I'm not leaving you by yourself besides I have no idea where anyone is." I smiled at Michael then grabbed his hand.

(Time skip)

"So should we take a vacation to Florida?" I asked, everyone nodded except Snow. She was to busy chowing down on her chocolate cake to agree, but we all think she is okay with it.

"So, are we renting a place in Florida or what?" Angel asked while trying to take away Snow's food.

"Michael told me that Lucifer has a beach house in Florida, we just need to get permission from Satan." I said, while making a list of things we need.

"I'm on it!" Snow yelled before vanishing, that girl has issues.

"Did Snow just vanish?" Michael asked from beside me.

"Yea, well while Snow is being Snow. How should we get there?" I asked, I looked over at Michael who just continued to look around.

"I think we should drive, because one we can't just poof there and two I hate flying." Angel jumped in before anyone could speak up.

"Okay, Michael and I will make sure the cars are ready and Snow is already asking her father. All we have to do is pick a day and pack." I said cheerfully.

"I will ask my boss for the days off." Skye said while moving his plate away from the empty spot next to him.

"Snow owns the bakery I work at so I don't need to ask." Angel added.

"My boss has been trying to get me to take a vacation day so I'm good." River yawned.

"Same as Angel." I said, I squeezed Michael's hand and smiled.

"Well I'm always free." Michael whispered, poor boy thinks he is useless since he is blind.

"Guess who is going to Destin Florida!" Snow yelled when she reappeared causing everyone to jump then started laughing at her outburst.

"Snow can you please warn someone before you zap to and from places." Michael chuckled, he was looking towards the water. "Am I even looking at you?" Michael tilted his head causing everyone to giggle.

"I'm over here." Snow cupped Michael's cheeks and forced him to look at her. "When I see that bitch in hell I'm going to personally torture her." Snow said smiling very creepily, I'm sure if Michael could see he would be freaking out.

"Snow you should let go of his face." Skye said while putting a hand on Snow's shoulder. "Any way, we were just talking about when we should go."

"Tomorrow, my dad said he will need the beach house but he said we could use it for two or three weeks." Snow backed away from Michael and looked at Angel, it looks like she was trying to tell her something. "So should we head back home and start packing?" Snow grabbed another muffin from a bag and took a bite from it. "To the cars!" She yelled after swallowing the muffin. We all just laughed and started grabbing our stuff.

After we got back to the house everyone ,except Michael, ran off. Skye and Snow went into their house, Angel and River went next door to theirs, Crystal drove back to her own house, and Spade trailed behind River and Angel.

"Do you still miss him?" I jumped when Michael spoke.

"Every minute, I miss teasing him and joking about how his hair looks in the morning." I sighed, "well we better go pack, do you want me to help you?"

"Nah I'm good, besides I don't want to slow you down." Michael looked in my direction and smiled. I blushed and so did my wolf. Fuck why is my wolf now acting up when we are around Michael. "Let's go pack, uh can you lead the way I don't know whick way to go." I shyly grabbed Michael's hand and led him to the house.

"Mate." My wolf growled, well shit this can't be true.

Yay first chapter, kind of glad I work on this while I was working on the last book.

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