oo1, encounter.

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Oikawa tossed his volleyball into the air continuously, just to hurt his neck as he turned his head to the rustling near the fence. “Oya?” He muttered to himself as he saw another boy around his age, “Hello!” He greeted and ran over to him.

Iwaizumi had been wandering around the town out of sheer boredom and had resorted to catching bugs to entertain himself.

At the moment, he had been quietly chasing a beetle with a net until the greeting from another boy had scared it off.

Iwaizumi poured into disappointment until he realized- wait! Another boy! He quickly turned to see the source of the noise and lit up.

Little kids were rare in this town, so this was a nice discovery. “I’ve never seen you before!” He exclaimed as he walked over to poke his head through the hole in the fence.

Oikawa tilted his head at the male’s face flush into disappointment as he greeted him. But once again, his expression lit up.

“I’ve never seen you around either! Are you.. New here or do we just live far away from eachother?” He asked and threw the ball up and down gently with his eyes still fixated on the boy.

Iwaizumi paused to think. Wait, neither of them were new? How come they hadn’t encountered each other before then? He glanced down at his net to think about possibilities until he realized what had occurred and exclaimed in panic.

“Gah! I totally wandered off super far while chasing bugs!” Well really it was only a thirty minute walk, but that was a lot for a little kid on his own.

Oikawa widened his eyes slightly, how did the boy manage to come this far?

Iwaizumi sighed in exhaustion and looked back at the kid in front of him with a grin. “But what’s your name? I’m Iwaizumi! Iwaizumi Hajime.” He spiked his surname proudly, knowing it was well known around this area. His family had a long line of famous demon slayers after all.

“Woow! Isn't that.. That one famous demon slayer family?” The brunette’s lips parted, as a child, obviously he found it cool. “Well.. There's nothing special about me, nice to meet you! I’m Toru Oikawa.” He introduced himself with a wide smile.

Iwaizumi wore a proud grin when the other child recognized the surname. “Yeah! I’m gonna be the next one in my family too!” He knew that would become true one day! Though his family didn’t let him start training yet.
“Oikawa...” He repeated out loud to remember the name.

“You’re going to become a demon slayer too? Isn't the training like.. Really hard?” Oikawa’s eyes widened with a hesitant and doubtful look. He was just apart of the low lifes but with an ego as big as the universe.

“Super duper hard.” Iwaizumi replied casually, wanting to seem nonchalant about it. “But I’m strong, so I’ll be able to pull it off.” He shrugged casually.

“I’m not sure if I’d be able to.. You should teach me some of your tricks if you ever master it.” Oikawa sulked quietly then spoke up once his interest was sparked by the thought of learning some demon slayer moves.

Iwaizumi pursed his lips momentarily before offering a grin. “Well, we’re friends right? Let’s just master it together!” He suggested happily. “When we’re old enough at least.” It’d be fun to have a partner.

“We’ll become the greatest demon slayers of all time!” Oikawa chuckled and smiled widely. Oh, to be this happy.

Iwaizumi’s eyes lit up in excitement. “You totally bet we will! We can be partners.” He grinned enthusiastically. “A lot of demon slayers always stay alone all the time, so it’s gonna be nice to have each other.”

“Yeah! Well.. Do you want to play volleyball with me? Since we’re friends!” The brunette pouted his lips slightly and waited for an acceptance for his request. “Come through the hole!” He said and took a few steps away so that the other boy could slide through.

“Volleyball?” The dark-haired boy asked curiously, oblivious to what the sport was. “Come on! You gotta be bored in your yard. Let’s go bug hunting instead! It’s super duper cool.” He boasted.

“Going bug hunting is a bit dangerous, it’s going to be night soon! Come play volleyball with me, then my parents and I can bring you back home.” Oikawa said with a worried expression, trying to persuade the boy to come join him.

At the suggestion, Iwaizumi pursed his lips. He wasn’t really the stubborn type, and he didn’t wanna do something someone else was uncomfortable with. “I can go back home on my own, don’t worry. I’ve never played volleyball before, what is it?” He asked as he entered through the hole in the fence.

“Hmm.. Well, to put it simply- professional hot potato?” The brunette shrugged and shook his head, “You just have to toss the ball around I guess..” He didn't know much about the game either, no one played sports around this time.

“Professional hot potato?” The kid raised an eyebrow before grinning. “Sounds fun!” He placed his bug catching net on the floor to grab later. “We should put more rules to make it super interesting.”

“Yeah! The current rules are really boring, just toss it around without letting it hit the floor.” Oikawa muttered out and hummed.

“Maybe we should create surprise attacks” His shoulders perked up as he suggested a new detail, somewhat. “I don’t know why we have this net.. I guess it’s apart of the game” He spoke as he walked to the other side, “stay over there.” He said with a small smile and served the ball across the court.

Iwaizumi listened to the instructions. Kind of like... Don’t let the balloon touch the floor! “Yeah! Like we can try slamming it to try and make the other lose!” He suggested. When Oikawa served the ball, Iwaizumi was disappointed at the fact that he missed it. “That was fast..”

Oikawa laughed as Iwaizumi stopped in the tracks of his words, the disappointment visibly displayed on the boy’s face. “This all I really know how to do well, other than tossing it in the air.” He shrugged and stretched, jumping around a bit as he waited for the boy to slam the ball onto his side of the court or something fun.

Iwaizumi picked up the ball from the ground and huffed. “I’m still learning, just let me catch up!” He defended himself. “I just need to get used to it.” He determined.

“Well! That’s one point for me, nice serve.” He complimented himself and got into his stance. “Bring it on! Iwaizumi!” He provoked the boy.

The kid tried to mock Oikawa’s serve, but it wasn’t nearly as powerful. But Iwaizumi was excited it even made it over the net. “It made it over!” He exclaimed excitedly.

“Yeah yeah, you’ll play better than me in no time. Let’s see who’s stronger tomorrow!” Oikawa scoffed and rolled his eyes, knowing that he’s the better one (no shit). At this point, he was obviously getting competitive and cocky.

Iwaizumi groaned at the cocky attitude, but in all honesty it made him more determined and competitive. “Whatever you say, Loserkawa.” The kid taunted back with a smug expression.

“Right back at you, Loserzumi.” Oikawa stuck his tongue out at the boy on the other side of the net and huffed, crossing his arms.

“Well, bring this back over!” The brunette exclaimed back and received it, hitting the ball over the net once again. “Nice recieve.” He muttered to himself and let out a small chuckle.

When Oikawa hit it back, Iwaizumi was extremely focused to try and receive it. While he managed to bump it, it had disappointedly hit the net on the way back. Of course the kid whined in protest. “I was so close!”

“Sure you were! You have to practice more to be like me, I always get it across the net.” Oikawa boasted and put his hands on his hips, sending over a smug look. “Let’s go again!” He said and walked over to the net, grabbing the ball. He headed back to the end of the court and served it over.

And that’s where their friendship had started.

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