oo7, go on.

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Iwaizumi has no idea what had been going on outside of his own bubble. Who had died? Who was still fighting? Who won? Shoyo, did he bring Natsu back already and finish the drug? Was Shoyo dead? There was so many possibilities and Iwaizumi was worried.

No, they were still fighting! Iwaizumi saw the large mess occurring in the village nearby. It seemed like they were in the heat of battle and the pillar arrived right on time.

Oikawa was fast enough to follow Iwaizumi, joining in on the ongoing battle. He decided to assist his master for once, there’s no way that he’s turning back into a filthy human again.

“Ushijima! Watch out for Iwa-cha— I mean Iwaizumi! The one with the light blue haori!” Oikawa shouted, giving his master some motivation to keep going. He couldn’t believe that he was actually being nice to him for once.

Impressively enough, it looked like Shoyo had already given the demon king significant damage. Iwaizumi didn’t bother to give any greetings before he sprung behind Ushijima to swiftly chop off his head, but the demon king was too sharp.

Iwaizumi could only give a deep slash to the demon’s neck, not enough to completely chop off the head.

Iwaizumi cursed when the sword didn’t go through before he was thrown back, and of course his face fell when his sword was snapped in half. His sword.. It broke.

This was bad, but it was okay. Those few seconds he wasted gave Shoyo time to breath. Wait, shit! Oikawa was gonna make it harder for Shoyo and Natsu! But Iwaizumi no longer had a weapon.

Didn’t matter. Iwaizumi lunged towards Oikawa to hold him off.

Before anything, The brunette saw Iwaizumi lunge towards him. Looking as if he finally wanted a fight. Oikawa smiled widely and gave into the act of violence, throwing kicks here and there as they fought in the air.

“Iwaizumi-San!” Shoyo called in a panicked voice. No, Iwaizumi could definitely handle himself! He needed to focus! The young adult turned back to Ushijima with a determined look before. “First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!” He yelled, dashing forward with a cyclone of slashes.

Oikawa huffed as he watched Iwaizumi bounce around the street, just come fight him already. Other than wanting some blood from the dark-haired male, he wanted to get rid of the eyesores that were pillars.

Iwaizumi was covered in bruises at this point. His body was sore and his muscles were aching, begging to get a break. He winced at the sounds of his bones popping whenever he’d move. He was thrown way too much today.

Most of them were pretty beaten up and were getting treatments behind some building. Huff, boring. The brunette escaped Iwaizumi and paired up with Ushijima, defending him from Shoyo’s attacks. He took the blows and grunted as he furrowed his eyebrows.

“Wait-“ Iwaizumi said when Oikawa ran off before looking horrified at the sight of the brunette receiving the heavy blow from Shoyo. “OIKAWA!” He yelled in clear stress.

Even at the attempt to protect his master, Oikawa was thrown to the side for ‘looking down on him’. Oh god, did he hate him so much! He just wanted to he useful for once.

Shoyo winced. He missed! Another stupid demon took the blow! Huh? Why was Iwaizumi-San so stressed about the demon?! What was going on?! Thankfully, Natsu was currently keeping Ushijima busy as he prepared to use another technique.

The brunette was slammed into a building near the treatment spots. He groaned. Without any time to think, Iwaizumi was already back to give him a good beating. Or so he thought.

Was that enough to kill him?! No, it couldn’t be! It didn’t look like Shoyo slashed the head! The pillar impulsively ran over with extreme concern. “What did you do that for?!”

Oikawa slightly opened his eyes after he somewhat recovered from the impact. He was terrified to see Iwaizumi in front of him, “ah! No, stop!” He pleaded, expecting some kind of attack. Until the pillar asked if he was okay.

The brunette growled and shuffled around but found himself stuck under some debris, “I’m okay! Why are you asking? Aren’t supposed to be trying to kill me right now?” He shouted and and furrowed his eyebrows, giving him a stressed look.

“I already told you, I’m not killing you.” Iwaizumi replied bluntly with a agitated expression. He didn’t need to be so on edge, Oikawa was stuck and unable to move. This was perfect actually, he could easily inject the brunette later.

“What?” Oikawa inhaled deeply and let out a loud sigh. It was true, Iwaizumi did tell him thousands of times already.

The brunette groaned and grunted as the bricks and metal almost crushed him, “just slice my neck off already! Once Ushijima’s defeated, I have no purpose to live anymore anyway!” He scolded, wincing as some more of the debris started falling onto him.

“You’re so stupid! You seriously gave him your suicidal devotion?!” Iwaizumi snapped, sitting cross legged in front of the other. It pained him to see his partner in pain, even if he knew Oikawa could easily recover.

“How am I stupid?!” Oikawa argued and gritted his teeth, an unamused expression displayed over his face.

Iwaizumi snorted. “Are you joking? You’re stupid for even asking that question.” He kept his gaze locked on Hinata and Ushijima while speaking.

“You’ve dedicated your whole demon life for a guy who doesn’t give a damn if you live or die. It’s amazing how becoming a demon could have made you so... Awful.” He clutched his fist.

“Stop struggling... Let’s just watch Hinata and Ushijima fight.” The pillar mumbled. He knew Shoyo had it in the bag. Soon... This would all be over.

Oikawa’s expression soon softened at Iwaizumi’s words. He huffed, pouting his lips as he turned to watch the fight.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to wait ‘till the sun comes up to watch me disappear from existence, Iwa-chan.” He had the same face as when the pillar would threaten him with something dumb.

What if this really was Oikawa, and not just the demon? What if human Oikawa was still this cruel? Well... They’d find out soon.

“I’m not a sadist like you.” Iwaizumi groaned.

“I feel compassion, you know? No matter how different you are, I’m not gonna enjoy watching my old best friend die in front of me.” Hinata did it. He sliced off Ushijima’s head. “I failed to keep the promise I made... But I’m gonna fox that now.”

Oikawa turned his head away from Iwaizumi as he got a scolding, “shut up, Iwa-chan. I should’ve ripped your head off back in my little home.” He muttered to himself, visibly sulking.

Iwaizumi seemed amused by the threat. “But you didn’t. Thank you for sparing me, your majesty.” He spoke in a taunting manner.

Oikawa’s eye twitched at the taunting. He growled, “shut up! Worthless being!” He yelled, acting feral as ever.

The demon could barely remember his life when he was still a human, it was almost like amnesia. But surprisingly, the one thing he could remember was Iwaizumi and all they’ve done together.

Except, he didn’t feel anything from those thoughts. He was over the whole human feelings, he’s a demon now; he has no feelings, only terrible intentions.

Oikawa wasn’t shocked to see his master finally disappear out of existence, he wasn’t upset either. The only thing he was worried about was the sun.

That’s when the brunette started to panic, “Iwa-chan! The sun! It’s coming up!” He said as he struggled to get free from the debris which laid on top of him.

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