Secret this love

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I and suga is been 2 days dating and this secret still keep it save.I go to my boyfriend studio and i knock the door.He open to me.
Suga:hai.Are you okay.
You:yeah.What are you doing??
Suga:Writer the song.Why??
Suga:Set with me.
You:It's okay.I want go to my studio.
i talk to him that and him sukly.

Suga:Okay go to you studio.

He say without looking at me.And i kiss he cheek still him not looking at me.

You:okay i will sit with you.

And with that he  smile back
Suga:thanks.Because change you mind.
And he still looking at me not he work.
You:Why you looking at me not you work.
Suga:You know why?
Suga:When i look my work i see words,and when i see you i see angle.

And with that i shy.I caver my face with my hands.

Suga:Don't cover you pretty face.
Suga:Because you are most beautiful view.
You:Thanks baby

Time skip~1 weeks dating

Yoongi POV
I and Y/N been dating now 1 weeks.And we don't show we dating in front members.
Shinw:Don't call me baby.
Suga:Why*cool voice*
Shine:Bacause i not you wife.
Suga:But you are my girlfriend.
Shine:Okay. Call me anything you want
Shine:Why you call me Jagiya.I am not you wife.
Suga:But you say i can call you what i want.
Shine: Nothing.
And his kiss my cheek.I just look at him.
Suga:Reply my kiss.
And i kiss him back.

Okay next part.Can this secret still saved with them members.
Okay wait for new part.
And sorry because short.I have idea because of that i write this part and i don't not when this book done.Okay byeeeee

This chapter sooooo cringe..why and why I make chapter like this..and look I got 200 readers already

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