Big fight

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Btw you must see that photo because i want you all confused hahah.Oh and big fight?

You P.O.V
I don't know want to marry jonnie or not but this is he baby.But i want marry yoongi,yoongi say he can grow up that baby if not he baby.If i say this to jonnie how he reaction.And tae he like stupid because of me😢.He wait for me to break up with yoongi went i still 13 year old? and hoseok he really exited went he know he be dad,but that not his baby.I..I have to choose for baby or me.But i really love yoongi .I will tell jonnie.Oh and btw we already move to new house

Y/N:If i say this you don't mad,okay?
Jonnie:Okay,i will not mad promise
Jonnie:I what?
Y/N:I don't want marry you

I just close my eyes because i really scary and fell something

RM:Open you eyes

And i open

RM:Who you want to marry because i can tell that boy to protective you and Mone
Y/N:Huh? Yoongi

And again i close my eyes

RM:Yoongi? okay

I open my eyes

RM:But...You will marry him and after that Mone born i want Mone grow up with me
Y/N:He can't grow up with out mum (and yeah that baby boy)
RM:And he can't grow up with out he real dad
Y/N:But yoongi can be he dad
RM:I don't want some days went he grow up he will say 'why my face don't same like dad' do you want he ask you that question?
Y/N:No,but i will tell he who is he real dad!
RM:Can't you not be selfish?
Y/N:Me selfish!? hahahah are you kidding me.If i marry you and we build the family and this family don't have love
RM:Do you know what is love!?
RM:And what is that
Y/N:Love is happy and broken,dark,sick,fake,cheating(idk this right or not😂 i just write you know)
RM:That not love,love is happy not dark or what!
Y/N:But for me it's
RM:Before you dating with yoongi do you have First love?
RM:What is you first story love?
Y/N:My? i meet him went i being actor for one drama in America,and he too actor kids,we just friend,my old is 5 year old and he 7 year old,we become best friend and until i 7 year old and he 9 year old,one day we walk in park in UK,and we talk,and he stop i stop too.He say he love me,start that day we dating and one day we go school together i 9 year old,i in grade 3(idk this right or not) and he in grade 5(same idk) one day i go to he class because i want back together and i found he kiss others girl *singh*
RM:Wow,oh btw what is he name?
Y/N:Daniel Bieber
RM:Oh,EL is your first love!? wow and he your first kiss?
Y/N:No,my first kiss is Baekhyun(omg sorry)
RM:Went you get?
Y/N:Went i 4 year old..
RM:Wow,sooo young
RM:Yoongi hyung know you want marry him?
RM:But can we meet him,i want to tell him something
Y/N:Yeah okay i will call him

(and btw Y/N pregnant in 5 month)

In call
Y/N:Oh hey
Suga:What you want?
Y/N:Are you busy?
Y/N:Namjoon Oppa want see you...
Y/N:Because i say to him i don't want marry him,i want marry you and he say he want meet you
Suga:Wait the minutes you want marry me?
Suga:Wow,i thought you don't me again
Suga:But you have made promise with Tae you want with him forever
Y/N:Yeah,but i broken the promise and i do something crazy
Y/N:Btw can we meet?
Y/N:In where?
Suga:In Starbuck?
Y/N:Yeah okay,bye
End the call

Y/N:He say meet him at Starbuck
RM:Okay,let's go

Time skip Starbuck

We already come in Starbuck but we not see yoongi

RM:Hey,where Yoongi?
RM:Call back him

In call
Suga:Oh hey,why?
Y/N:Where are you?
Suga:Me? i on the way to go starbuck,why?
Y/N:Can you faster,because Namjoon like he mad,and btw you in driven?
End call

Y/N:He say he on the way
RM:Okay,btw let's oder first

Time skip

Suga:Hey,sorry i late.I have many work
RM:Ok,btw where Taehyung?

Taeyung? went i call him to come? and why him must here? why?

Suga:Idk,and where the others.I though   i late

The others what wrong with they are? why must the others here

???:Hey,guy sorry i'm late
RM:It's okay

W-what why all bts here!?

???:Guys,sorry late.I have meeting
Jin:It's okay,we just come too

WTF,why Ceo-Nim here too.Ok ok i don't feeling okay right now,i want back

Ceo-Nim:Hey,Shine how are you?
Y/N:Me? oh yes and why you all here i 

hough i meet yoongi only
Jin:Nah,Ceo-Nim want meet we are too and you.He say he want say something
Jimin:He want
Ceo-Nim:Ok ok,keep quite.Ok btw i want meet you all because i want to ask Shine went she want marry and i want tell ARMY and Litte(JRS fans) you all marry and Shine pregnant
Jimin:If we are fans hate where?
Ceo-Nim:BTS and JRS well disband
Ceo-Nim:Because if one in group being hate, you all must disband
Y/N:Hey,it's okay.We can people grow up he..
RM:What!? No!
Suga:Yeah no,and why?
Y/N:Because you all career will be ruining
Jin:Hey,it's okay and Mone still can stay with we are
V:Oh,btw you two already buy baby stuff?
JK:Aish! You know what that baby will born soon
Y/N:Yeah we know,but we are busy
JM:That,baby is 5 month and we don't have time to buy
Suga:But we have many people
RM:Yeah,you right
JK:Hey,Ceo can you say to all staff to help
Ceo:Nah,we just buy that by we self.Call all TXT and JRS to came to meeting in 3 P.M

Time skip ~meeting time~

Jj:Why Ceo want meet we are?
Jin:He,want say something
Ceo:Hey,guys can you do me favor
All:What is it?
Ceo:To buy stuff baby
Han:Baby? yeah i'm ok with that,but i don't know what to buy
Ceo:It's okay,RM and Shine will give you all list.Some of you will buys baby toys,and some of you will buys others baby stuff and the others will follow RM and Shine to buys shirts baby and me will be ready to tell everbody what  happend
Ceo:We will buy start from tomorrow

Time skip~tomorrow buy stuff baby~

RM:You guys here?
RM:Okay,we have 19 people and 3 place we must go,6 people will buys baby shirts,and 5 people will buys toys and 8 others will buys baby stuff

(Baby shirtsY/N,RM,Suga,V,Kai,Soobin)
(Baby toys:Han,Y,JJ,Una,Taeyun)
(Baby stuff:Jin,Beomgyu Jimin,jk,jhope,Minnie,El,Yeonjun)

Don't tell me why i end like that
Okay,next chapter Ceo,will tell ARMY and Litte.The all World will know OMG,And bye

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