Grown up

13 8 0

4 year later
A/N yeah know where concert and fan meeting right,and i don't reason where concert and fan meeting😂
Bay The Way enjoy reading
Age:Y and Minnie:20 Year Old
EL:19 Year Old
JJ and Una:18 Year Old
Han and Shine:17 Year Old
Jin:32 Year Old
Suga:31Year Old
Jhope and RM:30 Year Old
Jimin and V:29 Year Old
Jungkook:27 Year Old
This is my last year in high school,and i can't go ever there where i want to because i'm idol😞.And now i'm with yoongi again,but we are secret this to all,abd to 1 year we are dating,yoongi say he want to club with me in 1 year we are together.And i say yes,today yoong came pick me around 8 p.m and now is 6 p.m i don't have time😣
~ding dong~
That must yoongi,i go to open and i see he in black suit,i smile
Suga:Hey,let's go
Shine:Yeah,let's go
~in car~
Suga:Hey are okay?
Shine:Yeah just nervous
Shine:Becasue this is my first time go to club
Suga:It's okay,i promise to you i will with you all the time with go to club
Shine:But i can't drink,because i still young and my age just 17
Suga:It's okay,you can drink,but control you drink.
Shine:i can try,right?
~at club~

I will no drunk because i promise to my brother not to drunk,but i will drunk because yoongi😌.I don't know if i hate him or not,but you know what he drink all wine(is that right,idk name of wine?)
Suga:Hey,Are you okay?
Suga:Are you like not okay
Shine:😄 hmmm

~5 minutes later~
Suga:HeY,SweET HeaRt
Shine:Hey,yoongis,stop drink
Suga:I DoN'T wAnT.HeY WHy YOu dOn'T wAnt DrInK?
Shine: I don't like

~7 minutes later~
Shine:HeY, yOOns i WanT bAcK
Shine:BEcAusE I wAnT YOu
Suga: Oh,ReaLY?
Shine:YeAH,I rEAlly WaNt yOu BaD
Suga:Oh ReaLY? BuT wE CaN dO HeRe,I WiIl OrDer(?) HotEL
Shine:No,i WAnt BacK HOme
Suga:OKay Okay,We Back HoMe

I will not do smut,because i don't know how to do,if you all really want me to do,i will make sure you are don't 😁.I just you all know next part i will not do smut,but if i want i will do? we just wait okay,but i will do? but i will learn from other author.I (J)Hope you all will enjoy this,but i will make sure i will update 1 weeks i part,if i can.Because i busy with my scholl

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