I'm Dad Of That Baby

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??? P.O.V
???:Today i must tell ever want i'm dad
Han:Are you serious!?
???:Yeah i'm serious and because i want the first know baby boy or girl
Han:Yeah,you right and you must stand beside Y/N went Y/N still pregnant
???:Yeah and today i will tell ever body

Time skip~in pratice room BTS~
(Still ??? pov)

Ready or not i must tell they

Jk:Hey hyung why you want tell we are and why JRS and TXT here
???:I want to tell they something too and i'm sorry jimin
Jimin:Why hyung?
???:Can you listen to me first?
???:I'm dad of that baby
Jimin:What!? you lied to me!!
Suga:W-what!? why!? im still live!? *cry hard*
V:What? How- *cry hard too* how she-
Teahyun:WTF!? Namjoom hyung why you lied to we are!?
JJ:Are kidding we are!?
Una:How can be dad of that baby?
Y:Wow,she is very crazy
El:Yeah,But.....I very proud at you hyung because finally you tell we are
JK:Yeah,same i'm proud too.
Jin:Jonnie you cheating on me! (omg sorry,i just want make drama😂) *cry very hard more tae and suga*
J-Hope: I remember i'm- *cry slow because he is hope😢)
And the others just quite because jungshook😂

RM:Guys i'm sorry because i lies to you all and Jin i'm sorry but....I'm not cheating at you because we two don't have any....But ah! nevermind
Jimin:I forgive you but.....I'm mad at you because you lied at me
Jhope:Hey,Namjoon please protective and don't hurt she abd that baby,okay?
Suga:Hey,Namjoon please look always look at she and don't make any water from she eyes,okay?
V:Hey,hyung if you don't make what we are say i will smack you(😂)
JJ:Oh wait!
JJ:Where Y/N i don't see she in 5 days we are together?
Han:Me too
Jimin:You all have contacts she?
Una:Can some from we are call she?
Han:But....Who well call she
Una:Because you dad of that baby and  will be husband
Minie:But she know you dad of that baby?
Jimin:Can you call she? and stop JRS with you all question!

*In call*
Y/N,Oh hello wae?
RM:I done tell they are
Y/N:Oh really!? how they reaction
RM:Shook,mad and hard cry
Y/N:I fell bad at they
RM:Hey it's okay
Y/N:Oh btw why you call me?
RM:They want see you because they don't see you in 5 days
Y/N:You know what i want be alone in paris?
RM:Yeah i know but...I miss you and baby,oh btw you have meeting with doctor in this monday right?
Y/N:Oh i miss you too abd yeah i have meeting with doctor
RM:But..Went you back korea?
Y/N:Tomorrow or today?
RM:Oh,i will wait and call me if you in korea and i will come and pick up you
Y/N:How you pick up me? you don't have license hahahahah
RM:Ha ha ha what funny? you don't know i go get license 3 days a go because went we are baby want shopping we don't have ride taxi
Y/n:Ahh~(Wait the minute-😂) you so sweet and cute
RM:Cute? oh wow thanks
Y/N:Oh you can they are i not in korea
RM:Okay,Bye baby and take care of 'we are baby'
Y/N:Okay,baby i love you
RM:I love you too
*end call*

Jimin:Where is she?
RM:Oh sorry i forget to tell you she in paris
Han:Reall!? you forget and we must stay here 1 hours to get answer!
Una:Luhan can you not yell!?
Han:Hah! nevermind
Suga:Oh she in paris....What she doing in there
RM: She want search something
V:And what is that?
RM:She say don't teal anywant
Jimin:Really...ah nevermind if she don't tell i'm okay
Jhope:But went she back?
RM:Today or tomorrow,i think tomorrow because i right now is 3 a.m and i want go back to dorm and go search new house
All:Okay bye!

Time skip~tomorrow at airport~

Yeah,finally korea i come.I wait jonnie to pick me.I see man come to me he have cap and mask and he have flower in he hands

RM:Hey jagi,how are you?
RM:Okay,let's go to parking lot

Time skip~in car~

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