Just Tell!!

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Hoseok P.O.V
I wake up first,because i want to know,i'm ready or not to tell other.I just nervous,and i hope i don't have fight with V and hyung suga.I hear some move,and i see Y/N is awake now

Jhope:Hey,good morning
Y/N:Mornning to my sunshine
Y/N:Ready or not,we must tell they are right?
Jhope:Yeah*smile*.Oh btw go get ready first,and i will call other to meet at meeting room
Y/N:.Without Ceo nim?
Jhope:Hmm,not? yeah? maybe?
Y/N:.😒 Hoseok tell me,the real,i promise i don't get mad

Aish!!! i don't know what to tell the real or not

Jhope:Hmm,he don't in meeting room
Y/N:If him not,went we are want to tell him
Jhope:Went him not busy
Y/N:Okay!!oh btw i want to get ready
Jhope:Oh okay

~time skip big hit building~

Aish!!why i'm so nervous right now.I see hoseok just look the building,he don't get any step,he just froze.Hmm i know what i want to do him walk!!

Y/N:Hey!! let's go!!
Jhope:Okay2,we go!!

Okay now we really in the door the labels "Meeting Room".We just stay there,and we two don't give any move and about we want to back home.We see Jin Oppa,great!!

Jin:Hey!!sorry i late,is the meeting is over?
Jin:And where you two want to go? if the meeting not over
Hoseok:W-we want came in!!
Y/N:Y-yeah came in*nervous smile*
Jin:Oh,okay.Btw let's go came in

<in meeting room>

RM:Oh,btw where Ceo-Nim
Suga:This meeting not from Ceo-Nim
Jungkook:If not from Ceo-Nim but who? and how do you know?
Suga:Later i call Ceo-Nim
Hoseok:Guys,this meeting is,not important meeting.This meeting is i make
Suga:Okay but what you want to tell we are?
Jhope:Not only me want to tell Y/N want to tell the same news
Y:Bad news or good news?
Y/N:If for you are is bad news and for we are two is good news
Han:Why we are bad and you are two good?
Una:Hey,Han can you hear first what Shine and Jhope
Han:Okay,una unnie
Una:I don't want call you oppa,is like i'm crazy fans(sorry😭😭)
Jhope:Oh okay
Jimin:Btw let's start the point
Jhope:Okay,Me and Y/N do something crazy
Han:What kind "something crazy"
All in the room:Han!!
Han:Ahh,sorry sorry
Y/N:Is okay
Jhope:Let's start again,we are do something crazy,this crazy stuff it will make we are friendship not make long.
Jimin:Can you tell we are the true!!?
Y/N:Oppa can you not yell at oppa hoseok?
Jimin:If i not yell he can't say the true.If he say like that,he can do one novel
Jhope:Hey,stop it!! i will tell the true!!.Y/N ready?
Jhope:I-i make Y/N p-pregnant

I hear same stuff like paper fell down and i see Ceo-Nim What the f***

Ceo-Nim:What the f*** is going on here?
Jin:W-what a-are y-you t-two d-doing😡
JK:How do you doing that hyung😏?(omg kookie😒)
Minnie:Is this dream? if this dream please wake up me now!!😵
Y:What? Did i hear wrong?😓
EL:Huh? are two really crazy,i really proud of you two like parent😊(😒 omg he is like JK,not serious)
JJ:Oh! is really crazy,and i don't care if you pregnant or you make.That not my problem😔(Wow savage boy)
Una:Hmm,I see😲
Hoseok:I will explain before you all talk more.Okay i wake up from sleep and i fell have someone in my bed and i look that is Y/N and i curios(?)how she in my room and my bed!?

(i'm so lazy to explain again)
After Hoseok explain they are just quite and the room is silent.No one not talk,and give responts.Until yoongi talk

Suga:But Y/N why you in hoseok room,you with me right

I see in yoongi eyes have water

Y/N:I don't know,i just awake and i see hoseok and i'm not cheating on you.We break up okay?
Suga:W-what is your just say Y/N*start cry*
Y/N: I s-say w-we are b-break u-up*cry*
Suga:Is that really jhope baby?
Y/N:What? we don't know
Suga:If that baby is my baby how you want to do?
V:Hey,why you baby? that my baby!!
V:Yeah that my baby,because i have one night stand with her
V:But in we are drunk,that mean she not cheating on you.
Han:Can someone tell me,who is dad for that baby?
Jin:Han you are right!
Han:Yeah!! finally have someone tell me i'm right!!
JJ:Only that and then no more
Han:Are you jealous at me!?
JJ:No and that can't be!!
Han:Yeah,you just jealous!!
RM:Kids stop,we have many problem!!
JJ:What problem?
RM:This problem!!
JJ:But that not my problem!!.I don't care!!
RM:If you not care about people around you,went people want to care about you!!.Don't selfish okay!!.She is your sister and you members even like your family!! she care about you too,you know!? if you like be selfish go get lost,and don't care about people even your parents!!!

Wow i don't know but i don't even see namjoon like that,i'm proud of you.

JJ:Don't play parents!! i know i'm selfish because no one care about me even my family.I grow up no one care!! even my only brother!! but that not enough for me change!!*cry loud*

And now i don't know who problem now him or me?

RM:I'm sorry,i don't know you problem
JJ:Yeah me too sorry
Jin:Okay!! we go the point right now,you 3 must check DNA!!
Suga:But went?
Jin:After that baby is born.(okay i don't know if we can check baby DNA before he/she born)
Y:But if you 3 not daddy of that baby,who is that baby?
EL:Hey,are crazy.Thag can't be she sleep other people
Minnie:But if she?
Jimin:Okay okay stop!!
Una:Hey if all members BTS except jimin
JJ:Hey,are crazy!?
Una:Why not? they are is rich right?
Jhope:But why only BTS do DNA?
Han:Because DNA of your blood
*EL slap arms han*
Han:Ouch!! why you do that!?
EL:Don't playing,be serious!!
Una:Is because Y/N have one night stand one of members
Suga:Why you not,just tell him name?
Y:We can't
Han:Stop tell question one day must you all know!!
Suga:But....We can't wait!!
Han:You don't have patient!!
Ceo-Nim:Hey,stop!! okay we wait after that baby born and we check baby DNA.After that you two will get married
BTS except jimin:But...About we are career?
Ceo-Nim:You two must stop being idol!
BTS expect JM:But that are we are dream?We can't lost we career we do many enough,we are now in billboarn
Y/N:It's okay
Y/N:I say it's okay!! i will grow up he/she alone,he/she will grow up without her/his dad,she/he will happy grow up without dad,if she/he grow up with dad she/he will see her/his dad always cry because lost his career.I will grow up alone!!
BTS:Aish!! we sorry we promise we are will grow up she/he,and is she/he not we are child we still want see she/he grow up with dad.We don't care about we are career.

Who is dad for that baby?
I really sorry,being you all like that,and have you sleep with other members went you still dating suga i really sorry,i hope next chapter not like this.I can't promise to you all

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