Step One😍

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I awake up because i'm not feeling well
Jhope:Hey,are you okay?
Y/N(I will use this,and if shine i will use went i want😜):Oh,sorry i awake you,and btw i'm okay
Jhope:Ahhh,it's okay and you are not okay.I check in google if pregnant woman must like this
Y/N:Oh,thanks to check
Jhope:Hey,it's okay that my child to right

After what i do,i go back to bed,and try to sleep again.Hoseok just do what i do
Silent in room just like nothing.Hoseok start talking
Jhope:Hey,you know what,I love you
I just quite,because i have feeling same
Jhope:Hey,it's okay,if you not love me back
And he just look other side,and try to sleep.I feel bad to him because i not tell him back
Y/N:I love you too
He look at me again,and smile
Jhope:Hey,Do you want be my girlfriend

Hoseok P.O.V
I'm Happy because what i want,i get

Jhope:Hey,you want out today?
Jhope:Oh,go ready first
Y/N:Okay!But you?
Jhope:I will ready after you

Time skip~Date~
Jhope:Oh,we go park,is that okay? and went dinner we go date?
Y/N:Yeah,that Okay

Time skip~Park(jimin😂)~

I'm because we to fo step one

Jhope:Hey,why are smile like that?

Time skip~Dinner~(lazy)

We go to best restoran in korea.And now we in counter to search table.And have one lady

Lady:Can i help you?
Jhope:Yeah,i want one table to two people
Lady:Okay,follow me

We follow she

Lady:You two wait here,and have waiter came

1 minutes later
Waiter:Yes,can i know you two order?
Jhope:Give me cabonara and sprite
Waiter:And you miss?
Y/N:Give me hambuger and cola
Waiter:Okay,only that?
Waiter:Your order will came in 10 minutes

Jhope:Are you happy?
JHope:Hey,are you ready?
Y/N:*sight* Not sure
Jhope:Will tommorow we tell they are?
Jhope:Hey,it's okay,all will fine
Y/N:Are you sure?

Sorry short Part,but i promise next chapter is long

But is really hoseok want to tell others?

We see next chapter

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