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Revali jolted awake as his body screamed with a foreign touch, throwing himself off the edge of the bed he landed on the ground with a groan. There was movement above him and he instinctively reached for an arrow, but his hand only grasped at air. Link stared down at his boyfriend for a few seconds before sliding off the bed so he was beside him. The look that Link gave him was clear, it was a nightmare, or a memory. He couldn't tell. Link gave him a small smile, but didn't say anything before offering him his hand. Revali took it without hesitation as Link pulled them both to their feet and led him out of the bedroom. The living room was dark and no eerie pink glow filled the area, a good sign.

Pushing Revali into a stool, Link yanked open the fridge, grabbing out the milk container and fetching a pot. He flicked on a few lights as he went, but they weren't bright enough to hurt their eyes. Revali gives him a confused look as Link shakes his head, still not needing to say anything as he flips on a burner and pours the milk into the pot letting it heat up. Opening a cabinet, Link pulls out a container of what Revali swears is cut up pieces of chocolate. He watches as Link grabs a cup and fills it with the chocolate shavings before placing it in the microwave. Once he sets that, he moves to another cabinet grabbing six mugs and sets them out on the counter. Revali raises an eyebrow at him, preparing to ask why six when a knock comes from the door.

Revali slips off the stool going to answer the door as Mipha sort of shuffles into the room, a stuffed elephant in her arms. Her hair is a mess, sticking up in all directions and she is wearing a pair of sport shorts and a sweatshirt. She shambles over to a stool sitting herself down, in the one beside Revali's. Only then does he notice her eyes are red and puffy and she's sniffling a bit. Revali lightly pushes the door to shut it, only for it to fly open again as Teba sort of stumbles into the room. He's dressed in an old high school t-shirt and plaid pajama pants, one look at Revali and he doesn't question the way the other is limping slightly. Daruk walks in next a furry black bear hat on his head and a large blanket with a red lizard on it wrapped around his shoulders. He seems a bit shaken as he makes his way to another stool and sits. He doesn't bother to speak, it appears none of them need to. They just need each other. Revali huffs a breath, preparing to shut the door before realizing they were missing one.

Urbosa glanced at him as she walked in a few seconds later, her eyes are teary but she remains quiet as she moves to the kitchen. Revali doesn't comment on the oversized shirt with a camel on it or the camel pajama pants she is wearing. The woman attempts to rub the tears from her eyes as she pulls herself up on the counter next to the fridge as Revali moves to finally shut the door. The only real noise is the faint bubbling of the milk and the now quiet dinging of the microwave. Everyone sits around waiting as Link finishes making whatever it is he's doing as Revali returns to his seat between Mipha and Teba.

Revali could only imagine how many times this has happened to them to get them to automatically come here and just sit down without saying anything. Was this a normal occurrence? What did everyone else see? Did they have similar nightmares or memories that he did tonight? He wanted to ask, but he could feel the calmness that seemed to linger amongst the group, he didn't want to be the one to break it.

A cup filled with hot chocolate and mini marshmallows was pushed in front of him. Revali blinked down at the cup for a few moments before he felt the chill of the wind rushing against his back once more and his hands wrapped around the mug. His eyes rose to the others who were sipping at their drinks, no one bothering to be quiet as they slurped or downed half of it in Daruk's case. Revali took a tentative sip of the drink before the warmth of the liquid chased away the cold wind that seemed to want to take him back under. The humming of the metal bird fell silent as he let the heat wrap around his body and the serenity of his company take hold.

Setting down his mug he looked up noticing Link watching him from beside the stove. There was something there, something that he wasn't sure about. There was something harsh there, something that has seen far too much and done enough to last more than a lifetime. He wanted to say something, but his voice wasn't working like it should, he couldn't even find any words. So he stared back at the ocean blue eyes, as the others' expressions shifted to something softer. Good luck sealing the darkness! The platform, he remembered Link being there staring at him the way he was just a few moments ago. The cold look in the other's expression and the tense body posture, he wondered what could have driven his normally talkative boyfriend to be like that in a past life. That cold look was gone now, having been replaced with a comfortable fondness. The strange feelings and cold wind seemed to flee at Link's look. Picking the mug back up, he took another gulp of the warm liquid.

Mipha was the first done, as she slipped from the stool, giving a small wave goodbye before heading back to her own apartment. Daruk left after her, along with Urbosa as the two nodded their thanks before departing together. Teba was the slowest, he sipped his hot chocolate slowly, his hands shaking from what Revali didn't know or want to ask. Link didn't make a move to push him faster, but he did start cleaning up the other mugs, setting them in the sink along with the other items that he used. Once everything was cleaned up, to the best of Link's abilities at this time of night, did he pick up his mug once more.

"Sorry..." Teba whispered. His voice sounded hoarse, and sore like talking wasn't the thing he should be doing.

"No need to apologize." Link answered as he returned the milk to the fridge.

"I'll be out of your hair." Teba mumbled, slipping off the stool, his hands still cradled the partly full cup of chocolate.

"You can stay, but we need to go back to sleep." Link stated as he looked at Revali who gave a small nod.

"Can I watch a show?" Teba asked as Link gave a soft smile.

"Sure if it'll help."

"I just don't want to be in my empty apartment...." Teba whimpered before moving to the couch and curling himself up in three blankets. "Night." Teba mutters to the two of them as he grabs the remote off the coffee table. Link takes Revali's empty mug and sets it in the sink, before taking his hand and guiding him back to his bedroom.

"You okay?" Link asked as Revali gave a small nod.

"Fine." His voice burned like talking should be the last thing he should be doing. "Did you wake me up?"

"You were screaming." Link answered as Revali went pale. "I didn't want you to hurt yourself." Link stated as he looked his boyfriend over. "You know, we all have had nightmares that bad before."

"It wasn't a nightmare."

"I'm sorry... I made you start remembering your past life."

"I needed to know."

"No you didn't. I just thought... it... I made a mistake... I should have left you without those memories."

"No you shouldn't have. Things are making more sense now. Everything makes so much more sense. If you hadn't done that, I would have never remembered anything and just seen bits and pieces. I went to therapy for it when I was little, my parents thought it was some mental issue. I stopped talking about it in high school so it would seem that I was okay, but now... I know I'm fine, I don't have any mental issues. I'm seeing a past life. A past life where I died... horribly..." The silence was uncomfortable and Revali just wanted to crawl back into bed and pretend like he didn't just say that. The next thing he knew, he was in Link's arms as the knight led them back to bed. His arms never left the other as they settled into the now cold blankets. Link pulled Revali against him, his fingers running through the olders hair and he could feel the pull of sleep. The knights heartbeat was calming, far calmer than anything he had ever experienced and soon enough it lulled him off to sleep.

"I'm sorry..." Link whispered as the voice of the master sword rang through his head. It's coming, you must be prepared and I know we aren't.

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