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When they return the inn, there is a message waiting for Professor Teepakorn at the front desk. Like everything in Japan, the tone has been carefully chosen to avoid all suggestion of an accusation, or even stated knowledge. Luke Ishikawa called by to inquire whether either one of the gentlemen has possibly found themselves in possession of a file folder. After the meeting earlier today, Mr. Ishikawa has been unable to locate it and is enquiring whether either gentleman remembers seeing such an item, or whether they may have inadvertently gathered it up amongst their possessions. Mr. Ishikawa would greatly appreciate any assistance Mr. Teepakorn or Mr. Guntithanon can offer him in this matter.

"Told you he was a smart man."

Win's mouth is a firm line, the small frown he was already wearing deepening. Darting a look at Bright, he finds his expression mild and guileless. His least favourite expression.

"We're not killing him."

Bright's smile widens fractionally, warmly.

"If you say so."

"I say so."

Ascending the stairs to their room behind him, Win folds the note into his pocket. Bright has been silent since they left the bar, his initial interest in Ozu's sister seeming to slowly dissipate as the boy had described her skill in insect preservation. In the end it had been left to Win to close the deal, asking casually for the girl's contact details with only a suggestion that he might follow up while they were in town. As good a study of human nature as Win was, he could not be sure that – if his sister truly was who they suspected - Ozu was not aware of her nature and was complicit in some way. The way he spoke of her, nervy and blushing, didn't speak to a healthy brother/sister relationship, and whatever else was true, he was more than certain that their bond was not an entirely usual one.

Their room is as they left it, although the green tea bags, coffee pods and towels have been refreshed and opening the mini bar, Win is gratified to see that so has that.

"I would advise against your drinking anything more before this evening."

"Would you now?" bending to select a select a single malt, Win cracks the top, "And why is that? Worried about my losing focus now that the goalposts are shifting?"

Bright's shoulders move fractionally. His expression could be anything, but he suspects it's hovering somewhere between a mild concern and the overriding curiosity he always feels whenever he anticipates Win being challenged in some way.

"You've never killed a woman before."

The statement is as bald as it can be, because it goes without saying that no, Win has never killed a woman, but he did for some time pretend that he had. That particular deception, although one that Bright has long since forgiven him for, still possesses layers to it that they have never fully explored. playing as Bright's murderous soulmate, had been every bit as painful to him as the 'smile' he had left him with, and although Bright has never been someone to dredge up the past, he knows that that betrayal left its imprint on him. The memory of that time together, a time when Win lost all sense of the part he was playing and moved willingly into a position at Bright's side, is tainted forever by association.

"I could have," Win hears himself say. He closes his eyes for a moment, remembering, "I almost did. There was a moment…"

A hand descends to rest on his shoulder, "Win, now is not the time to be examining old scars. I only meant that there is a world of difference between killing an adversary who outmatches you in size and strength, and one which evolution has taught you it is your duty to protect."

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