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Win can't remember the last time he attended a graveside funeral, but thinking back he imagines that it was probably Gun' fake service in Thailand, and he's not sure if that one even counts. Before that it was probably his dad's service, way back in the 90s. Even so, there's something strangely and achingly familiar to him about watching as a casket is lowered into a hole in the semi-frozen ground. Familiar and bleakly sobering.

From the corner of his eye, he sees Bright walking slowly to join him. Having delivered their formal condolences in person to Luke Ishikawa's parents, he looks suitably stone-faced and somber.

"There will be a gathering at the house afterwards. I offered our apologies."

Win frowns. Rubbing his gloved hands together he breathes out a cloud of misty vapor.

"It's getting cold."

"It'll be colder in the mountains."

There's a question mark in Bright's voice that makes him glance at his face. His expression is perfectly impassive, but Win is practiced now at noticing all his tells, his unspoken need for reassurance, and moves in closer to him.

"I've never felt the cold before," he says.

A man steps away from the main funeral party and begins walking towards them, and it takes Win a few seconds to realize that it's Inspector Nakamori. His gait seems slower and stiffer than before, and the hard lines of his face are tinged with an unhealthy yellow. As he nears them he lifts his hand in a greeting and Bright reaches to take it, enclosing it in both his own. They exchange formal greetings in Japanese, before Nakamori's eyes move apologetically to Win's.

"So sorry Mr. Teepakorn. It is very good of you both to come. Luke-san was very grateful for your help. He was most honored that you came here to meet with us."

There is a cold weight in Win's chest as he remembers Luke's face as he last saw him, his stark expression of pain and surprise, and he swallows, forces himself to nod.

"I'm not sure how much help I was to be honest. I believe Mr. Ishikawa had drawn his own conclusions about your killer by the time we arrived on the scene, he seemed like a very smart young man."

Nakamori nods somberly, "He was. He was. I only wish he had shared his suspicions with me before he went looking for Ms. Ozu alone."

Bright leans imperceptibly into Win, and he can feel the warmth from his body transferring itself to him. Reaching to his throat, Win hitches the thick wool scarf there a fraction tighter. The healing wound on his neck feels cold and hot at the same time.

"It seems Ishikawa's imagination was sparked by something you said during our meeting, Tine. He remembered during Kenji Ozu's interview that he'd mentioned his sister had developed a drinking problem while he was at college, meaning he had had to drop out. Apparently her sealed juvenile record for a DUI contained suggestions that she was a potentially psychopathic personality."

Nakamori shakes his head, and the weariness he feels is palpable.

"This has been a most tragic episode."

"Indeed. I am so sorry for your loss Inspector, and for 's family."

The old man shakes his head in acknowledgement. His voice is unsteady as he takes Win's hand and bids them both a formal goodbye. As he walks slowly back to join Ishikawa's family, Win thinks that he has the look of a cop who's finally decided he's seen one too many bodies. Casting a sideways glance at Bright, he clears his throat.

"Is Kenji Ozu dead?"

"He is."

Win draws in a long slow breath. The air feels like it's going to snow. He looks up and the sky is pure white, the sun struggling gainfully to make it through the low hanging cloud.

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