Our Night

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Bright settled himself on the bed and Win sat right in front of him on one of the wooden chairs inside their bedroom. both of them can't wait to spend their earned free time together.

"What do you wish to do?" Bright asks, "We'll do anything you want to do, whatever it is, Win," he emphasised on the word 'anything' and earned a surprised glance from the other man.

Win bit his lip and thought quietly of something. He wanted it to be unusual, even for the other man. Suddenly, his thoughts wanted it to be solely unusual for Bright until he finally came up with something. "Let's go out tonight, Bright. But it will be my treat."

"Are you sure? I think my cooking should satisfy the both of us."

"No- well, yes, but.." Win paused to pick more appropriate words, "As I have said, I want to be the one to treat you. And I assure you, it's not something that you wouldn't want me putting inside my system."

"What is this place you're thinking of, exactly? A local restaurant? Sushi? Tempura?" Bright asked, skeptic.

"No, no, it won't be a full course meal." Win confirmed to Bright by shaking his head. "A café, maybe?"

"A.. café?" Bright repeated.

"Or maybe, a.. bar?" Win asked, head low but eyes looking at Bright's for confirmation.


Win nodded, then realised that Bright was looking away so he hummed his reply.

"And if I refuse?" Bright inquires, though he didn't seem keen on rejecting his lover's offer. In fact, his mind immediately began to predict possible outcomes that Win's endeavor could result to.

"Well," Win started, "I can think of a few things I could do that you wouldn't like."

Bright cocked his head and raised a brow. "Like what?" the older man asked, a hint of threat and— to Win's surprise— worry in his voice.

Win grinned and narrowed his eyes at Bright for a moment, then smirked mischievously and said, "I'll tell you if you refuse," he heard the other man grunt in frustration, "But you needn't worry if you do accept."

Bright sighed in defeat and, at the same time, relief. "I was plainly curious of the plans you have if I were to decline but," he focused his gaze on Win's blue orbs, "Never mind."

"Hell yeah!" Win cheered triumphantly, then realised the amused stare he was getting from Bright, which made him feel awkward. "Well then," he cleared his throat, "Would it be okay to come with me tonight?"

"Of course." Bright's unwavering gaze glinted with something that may seem like amusement and anticipation. Playfulness. He saw Win swallow hard as he shifted his gaze to the pillow beside Bright, obviously embarrassed and aware what he suddenly had in mind.

"Let's enjoy the evening, then. Maybe we can take a walk or do something nice. Away from the crowds." His eyes slightly widened at his accidental innuendo and tried pretending like he didn't realise what his words may have meant, even though, without his reaction, it was just a casual remark.

"I'll do my best." A curve found its way a the edges of Bright's mouth, though he tried to mimic a formality when he accepted it, much like agreeing to a business proposal. His eyes, though, Win noted, was so clear yet very fogged, as he indulged on his fantasies.

It was half-past four when they started prepping for their night out. Win's getup was casual: slightly loose jeans, a black, fit turtleneck, a brown jacket, and black boots. He wanted to look presentable but comfortable when he's with Bright. The other man, however, looked stunning in, surprisingly, a simple, olive green v-neck, black jeans, a grey blazer, and boots. Win's jaw dropped when he saw his gorgeous man with his hair down, and Bright chuckled softly at Win's surprised face.

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