Express His Broken Heart

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⚠️Distrubing too distrubing.


He couldn't wrap his head around why this one was so important to him. In his personal opinion, this one was quite ordinary, and dreadfully so.

He watched as he stumbled around his house, rendered almost immobile without those metallic stick things under each armpit. He watched as he interacted with the several small beasts he kept in and around his house, seemingly serving no purpose as they never brought him food to cook or wood to burn. He watched as he brought each one of the letters into his house, bringing in only one per day.

This human was so boring, he couldn't understand why he had been chosen.

But he watched him, nonetheless.

He needed to study this human, learn his pattern in order to pinpoint his weak points. He needed an opportunity when he was alone, away from those terrible beasts and vulnerable enough so that he could begin his work.

This whole thing went against his normal policy in so many ways. Went against his rules.

For instance, this human didn't make noise, he made words.

He never planned harm upon those that were human like him, that's where he drew the line. But if his idol saw something special in this vulnerable, scruffy hermit, he really needed to capture and study it, see what made it tick.

What an interesting man Bright was. Cowardly, arrogant, pride ridden and pretentious, yet interesting all the while.

Win eyed the stack up and down. He had read all of the letters, most of them twice, and sniffed all of the flowers. The letters weren't threatening, but they weren't non-threatening, if that made sense. The way they were worded made him more uneasy with each new letter, but they never flat out said 'I'm going to kill you,' though that's what it felt like.

He couldn't tell what Bright's motivation was, what his ultimate goal was, or what he was even getting out of all this. And why the flowers? What kind of twisted mind game was it to send such ambiguous threats accompanied with a different flower each time? And why a different flower? He needed to get to the bottom of this. He saw no pattern that would indicate any secret messages in his words but-

Maybe the message wasn't in his words.

He reached over, careful not to knock any flowers over, and grabbed his laptop. He turned it on and quickly Googled 'flower meanings' before lining the flowers up in the order he got them, starting with the first one from the hospital.

After a bit of searching, he finally found a flower to match the one he had, which happened to be his favorite. He loved the pattern of the petals and the color, and something about its fragrance made him smile. He didn't have a favorite flower, never really paid attention to them until now, but if he did, this would definitely be it.

It turned out to be a purple 'Hyacinth'. He skimmed over its name origin and where it grew in the wild until he found what the flower symbolized: 'I Am Sorry,' 'Please Forgive Me,' and in some cases, 'Sorrow.'

Win frowned. He had initially thought that the flowers contradicted his letters because of how beautiful they were in comparison to his murky words, but now that he knew the meaning behind this particular flower and recalled explicitly reading in the letter that he was not apologizing, he was rightly confused now.

He looked at the next flower, a blooming white flower with pink splashed on the center, sprinkled with black dots. He discovered it was called an 'Alstroemeria,' and that it meant 'friendship.' Well, that was quite interesting because he was sure the letter that went with it was one that belittled the extent of their friendship, labeling them nothing more than 'acquaintances.' He was beginning to notice a pattern here. Eagerly, he looked up the rest of the flowers.

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