Chapter Nine

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Diana sits in the open passenger side of her jeep, Alaric leans against the vehicle next to her as they wait for Damon to return. Both more worried about their friend then they want to show Elena. She takes Alaric's hand and pulls it to her bump, he frowns a little but smiles when he feels it. One of the babies is kicking. She smiles at him as Alaric crouches to get a better feel.

"Stefan's out there somewhere and now Damon, and we're just sitting in this car?" Elena complains and then looks at the two of them, she softens, only slightly, watching Alaric fuss over Diana.

"Let the vampire fight the hybrid zombie mountain man," Alaric comments not looking up. "We'll take care of keeping the human safe." He adds as he shares a look with Diana.

"Tired" Elena mumbles slightly.

"Hmm, it's been a long day" Diana agrees. "And it's not even over yet"

"What?" Elena asks. "We're going home, right?"

"Actually, we're making a stop in Nashville first" Alaric admits, Elena frowns at them.

"Nashville?" She asks. "Why?"

"Despite what you think, Elena, me and Ric do have a life outside of hunting vampires" Diana teases, Elena shoots her a look. Diana sighs. "There might be a weapon there, and it might be useful against Klaus" Diana admits with a shrug.

"Might" Alaric counters. "Maybe..." he hums a little and looks at Elena. "Her dreams are leading her to Nashville"

"Oh," Elena states and then notices Damon as he walks toward the jeep. "Damon?" She moves towards him. "Are you okay? Did you...?"

"Fine, bite-free. Get back in the car, please."

"Can you just give me a minute to appreciate that you're not dead?" Elena asks him.

"I'll give you 10 seconds. 9, 8..." Damon grabs her by the shoulders and marches her toward the car."Hey, Ric, did you happen to see where I parked my car?"

"Damon, stop being such a caveman." Elena scolds but does climb into the jeep. Alaric takes the keys from Diana as she climbs in the passenger side.


Diana climbs out of her jeep and glances at the Parthenon before her. Every time she sees it, whatever version she sees, it is always beautiful, and it always feels like coming home. Damon moves to her side and she looks at him.

"You didn't have to come with us," Diana tells Damon who shrugs.

"Klaus killing weapon?" he asks. "Yeah, I'm all over that" he nudges her arm and nods.

"Wow" Elena whispers staring up at the Parthenon, even at night, even in the dark, it's a very impressive building, and this is just a copy of the original.

"It's amazing, right?" Diana asks her, Elena nods.

"Are we breaking in?" Elena asks them, Diana gives her a look.

"Really?" She asks. "Vampires and werewolves, you'll run towards that but a little B and E stops you?" Elena shoots her a look. "Relax, they won't even know we've been here" Diana assures her and heads towards the building with Alaric. Elena looks at Damon who shrugs back at her.


The inside of the Parthenon is silent, dead silent, peaceful and warm. Welcoming for Diana. She lets out a breath as she looks around. Her eyes land on Athena and she smiles widely.

"Here" Diana states hurrying towards the Athena statue and straight for the shield. Elena, Alaric, and Damon follow behind her.

"I can't believe how much she looks like Athena" Elena points out.

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