Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Diana stares at Bonnie and Elena stood in her living room. She blinks a little and then sighs. She hasn't had a great nights sleep and right now she is not sure she has heard them right.

"Let me get this right.....You want me to hack into the DMV?" Diana asks, Bonnie and Elena share a look before nodding. "Alright, just checking" Diana adds and then sets her mug of tea on the table. Elena finds a copy of Diana's unfinished manuscript and picks it up, she flicks through a few pages and frowns before going back to the first page.

"The Vampire Diaries?" Elena asks reading from the top page of Diana's manuscript. "What is this?"

"Nothing" Diana takes the pages from Elena who frowns at her. "Just...something I'm working on..." She shrugs and sets the manuscript into a draw in the kitchen then moves back to the table. Elena raises an eyebrow.

"Are you writing about this?" She asks. "About our lives...."

"Not exactly" Diana whispers, Elena gives her a look. "Yeah, okay, yes I am...." She admits. "I changed all the names and stuff, and it's not like anyone is going to believe it" she sits at the table and shrugs. "And it's just an know, this whole thing is terribly stressful" Diana types away at her laptop. "Alright....Who am I looking for?" she asks.

"Abby Bennett" Bonnie answers, Diana lifts her eyes to her. "My mom" Diana raises an eyebrow and then nods.

"Okay" Diana states.

"You don't want to know why?" Bonnie asks her.

"Oh yeah, but..." Diana shrugs. "If you don't want to say, then don't"

"I've been having these dreams" Bonnie tells Diana. "And I think she is the only way we can open the locked coffin" Bonnie starts.

"Wait, what coffins?" Bonnie shoots Elena a look, Elena looks away. "The coffins Klaus wants?"

"Yeah" Bonnie answers Diana. "We think that whatever is in the locked one is a weapon that can kill Klaus"

"Or a person" Diana counters. "Why would you lock a weapon in it's own coffin? Doesn't make sense..." Bonnie seems thoughtful. Diana looks at Elena. "Secrets? Again?" Diana asks her.

"I just...with everything that happened with Klaus..." Elena starts. "You haven't...spoken about it" Elena offers.

"I have...with one else needs to know" Diana defends. "You don't want to know" She corrects herself. Elena looks at her as Diana stares off into space.

"Di?" Bonnie asks, Diana takes a breath and snaps out of it.

"Right...DMV" She mumbles and goes back to her work. She cocks her head reading the screen. "Los Alamitos?" Diana asks as she finds a record, she turns her laptop to Bonnie who shakes her head.

"Too old." Bonnie corrects, Diana moves onto the next one.


"I wish. How many of these are there?" Bonnie asks, Diana hums and looks at the screen.

"A lot" She answers.

"Thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with." Bonnie tells Diana who shrugs.

"There's nothing more important, Bonnie." Diana assures her.

"It's surreal. Having to track down a woman, who bailed on her own kid." Bonnie then realises and looks at Diana. "I'm know exactly what that feels like" Diana shrugs.

"I never actually got to meet Penelope after I found out....she was already dead" Diana admits. "And well...I wasn't the only one abandoned that day"

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